Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hey, I noticed that I have been blogging almost everyday. Well, I've got nothing to do. I talked to Cheyenne in Skype just now. Hahaha, I was laughing. Next time I shall call her to go online so that I can call her up. Its good to have a webcam. Haha, and Skype too. I think its better than MSN. But not many people have Skype. I should change the topic. Its boring.

I've been munching on toblerone chocolates, its irrisistable. Haha! But quite sweet. Or too sweet! Its one of my favourite chocolates. Okay I shouldn't eat too much. Hey you know chocolates help when you are feeling depressed? Well, it helps me. My sister went to west mall with her friend to find a job, since its the holidays already and she wants to earn money.

Oh and I can't wait to watch New Moon! I saw the trailer a few times already and it looks real interesting! Okay, bye for now!

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