Monday, December 28, 2009

belated merry christmas!

Hey! Yeah I know I haven't been blogging for the past few days. Sorry! I was busy. Okay, let me recall, I kind of forgot what I did. Too many to remember. Well, I know that I went to my aunt's place on Christmas. All my relatives were there. Most. Ate lots of stuff. Ham, crabs, jelly, mango cheesecake, chocolate cake, sushi and more. Oh and I borrowed the xbox from my cousin. Have to return it before school reopens. Oh and belated Merry Christmas! :)

Last saturday;
Went to west mall to have lunch. And then to the arcade to take neoprints with my sister. And I almost forgot about my swimming lesson which starts at 3. My mum came along. :D And nothing much. My dad cooked dinner. And played the xbox again. We can't play most of the games, (all the boys games). Only a few, like the goulie game, the fighting one. Hahaha! Beat my sister for the fighting one. Its fun!

Last sunday;
My cousin fetched my sister and I, and Boy too, to the dog park. Luckily I wasn't wearing anything white, the whole place was a little muddy. Oh and Lemon (my cousin's dog) came along too! There were quite a few dogs. A huge poodle, its fur is really really curly. Haha but its very cute and friendly. A husky, two dalmations, a dog which looks like the same size as Lemon and a yellow colored dog. I just sat at the bench watching them play. Lemon and the poodle kept humping each other. Omg, I was wondering when they would stop! Luckily Boy isn't gay. Haha! One of the dalmations took Lemon's toy ball and kept chewing it. His owner came to return it. And then he bit it again after my cousin threw the ball on the ground. Till it was spoiled. But its okay. But not for Lemon. He kept barking at that dalmation and chasing it. There were quite a lot of americans there. My sister bathed Boy right after we came home. He was all muddy and dirty. Yuck. And my aunt brought back Macdonalds for lunch. And then nothing much happened after that, besides playing the xbox, again.

Nothing interesting yesterday. Today? I am tired. Okay woke up at 9.25 and went to my school with my mum, (outside) and took down which bus goes there at the bus stops which surrounds my school. And had lunch at the coffee shop. Chicken rice. I am so sick of that! And came back home, played the xbox, watched tv and a movie called: Hitch. Nice movie! He's a dating consultant. And I don't want to talk about that. Had my dinner downstairs. And I'm using the computer now. Ebuddy and MSN aren't working. So never mind. So goodnight!

Here are my tag replies:
Chia Lynn: Hello! How are you? Oh and Merry Christmas too! :D Haha sorry for not getting you anything too. :( Sorry!
ChEyEnNe: Hey sister! Hahaha. Yeah Merry Christmas to you too! I miss you a lot too! :(
ELAINE: Hey! Belated Merry Christmas to Elaine! :) And no way! No boxers for me! Haha!

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