Tuesday, December 15, 2009

chang ting, chia lynn and cheyenne!

Hello. I had breakfast with my mum at Mcdonalds. Rushed to school to meet Cheyenne and Chang Ting. We collected our certificates and then headed to bukit timah plaza. Bought Boy's and my sketchbook and we went to NTUC to get some snacks. Finally we went to Cheyenne's place. Zhi Xuan lives so near her. Oh anyway, we cut out some pictures that Chia Lynn printed. One of them has ink marks on my face. Then we decorated our front page and stuff. Chang Ting got hungry and kept complaining (haha!) so we went to my mum's store. Chia Lynn, Chang Ting and Cheyenne didn't want to eat the cheese fries! I ate quite a lot of it since they didn't want it or they are probably too full. Lol! Its free! Haha, I don't get it. Went to visit Yue Ning and Fac! Omg, Fac is so cute! I love him! Okay not as much as Boy. But he is really cute. He is really slow in walking and kind of fat. Hahaha! Okay I am not going to talk about the rest. I got to go now. Goodbye!

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