Monday, December 26, 2011

Busy week!

I've been really busy last week. Have been going to HCA Hospice Care for CIP voluntary work with Si Rui from last Wednesday to Friday. We signed up for admin work, and we were under Guat Lin. It felt like we were doing all her unfinished work. Went up to the staff office. The staff there are pretty nice, they gave us food etc haha. As for Friday, woke up as usual at 6:30 A.M. which is so early, though i didn't have any trouble waking up. And did admin work and had lunch with Si Rui and her sisters. The performance wasn't well-organised. Got a chance to talk to some other volunteers. One of them was a guy from Clementi Town. He's only 15, and i thought he was 19 almost 20 or something. 

And yesterday was Christmas. :-) Had a family gathering at Holiday Inn Hotel. Had buffet but I wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat much. Spent the rest of my day at my cousin's place playing with the iPad and the ukulele. As for Christmas Eve, got the iPad for my dad for Christmas and his birthday. Of course the price is shared by my mum, sister and I. :-) 

One week left before school reopens. I'm gonna be broke. Will post up pictures soon. Stay tuned for more updates! :-) 

Sorry for the wordy post. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Food. I like food.

Met up with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Grace last Friday to get some maths done. Went to the gym, i hope i lost some weight. Had dinner at Subway with my mum and my sister. And bought $150 worth of food/products for home delivery! Bought around 10 cans of campbell soup and many packets of instant noodles and 5 packets of chips and some drinks etc. My sister said we were like storing food for war. True. Also bought Monopoly deal, and this small sized elf hat with batteries. Which cost like almost 5 bucks.

Uh huh. I've also been watching this anime called, Kaichou wa maid sama. It's really good! I like Usui Takumi. :-) I'm mentally dating him.

Anyway, i'll be pretty busy next week so i won't be updating much. Bringing Boy out for vaccination tomorrow, and i'll be going out on Tuesday. Wed to Friday i've CIP work with Si Rui at the hospice. Oh and yes, i watched this video trending on Youtube or Twitter or whatever about this guy called Aaron Tan. Hahah it's really funny la prease. Should go watch! And it'll make your day better. Or not.

Alright that's all for this post. Bye!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Disney fairy tales

This is my favorite princess, Rupunzel. I love disneyworld. The fairy tales and all. Pretty graphics they have. Hah all the evil characters look ugly. Here's a picture to prove it. :-)

Trying to search for a website where you can watch movies online, which is illegal i think.

Found myself searching for anime - which Vanessa is addicted to. Hahhah bye!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

When boredom strikes

Hi guys!
I've been pretty lazy these few days, sitting on the couch watching this really interesting HK drama. Did went out yesterday with Chia Lynn to watch Breaking Dawn. I think it was okay, i enjoyed the humorous parts esp what Charlie said at the wedding.

I was bored so i went to haha! CL and Cheyenne played with me too but i'm not going there again. :-) I'm really hungry right now. I shall rant about something random on the next post. Have a nice day! ;-)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Arthur Christmas

Had big breakfast with Cheyenne at MacDonalds yesterday while Chia Lynn and Grace were having Bible Study with Christa. It was my first time finishing the whole meal hahah! Saw Arthur Christmas at Golden Village Jurong Point and took the bus back to CL's place, again. Hmmm i went to Omegle and CL was being paranoid about the site, whether it has virus and whatever. And played Kitchen Commotion with Cheyenne. It was unfair okay!!!! :-)

It was a nice movie, kinda cute and everything. :-) I wanna watch Breaking Dawn. Signed up for some CIP work with Si Rui at the library (well only 1) and at the hospice three days in a row! Thanks.

Goodnight. It will be a long day tomorrow.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Omegle was not a good experience.

Was thinking of what to do so I googled a site where you can talk to strangers. I tried out Omegle. You can have pretty decent conversations with some people, but not so decent ones with most of them. Some are just creeps.

Anyway, once you click "disconnect", you'll be automatically matched up with another stranger. There's one mode called: "spy" beta or something like that, and you can set a question/topic, and watch the 2 of them communicating, but you're not part of the conversation. It can be kinda fun, but there're many people who spam this website, i keep getting the same link when there're more than 9000 "strangers" on omegle. Lol that's what I don't get. 

Click to enlarge. 
People talking about how to torture a girl if he's dumped by a text message.
This creeps me out.

I like this one the best. Stranger 2 likes unicorns! :-)))

Went to the Guides HQ today etc. Went to Lot 1's rooftop garden with Si Rui and no, it doesn't even look like a garden.

That's all. Goodbye!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hi this is Boy :-)

Hi this is my 300th post so i wanted to make it special and i decided to blog about my dog, Boy.

The day we just got him :-)

This used to be my cousin's dog, Lemon. They look really cute together!

His toy Monkey which is broken now hahahah.

What he does when he asks for food everyday!

Thank you for always being there for me even though you can't talk. I love you Boy. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi to start it off: i helped out for 6 hours today!! Was almost out the whole day. For guitar, and back at only 8 plus. I'm watching Puss in Boots tomorrow with my mum and my sister. :-) I can't wait! Hahha i'm sounding like a little kid. And guess what!

My guess was correct! It's really just letters J and S and their surname. :-)

Haha i'm so happy they answered my questions! :-) I think i stalked their formspring. And read all the questions they answered! Lol to put it in a nicer way, i'm such a loyal fan! Honestly i like Sonia more. I don't know why, but i think i'm attracted by her guitar skills! That's why i'm still practicing "officially missing you" using the ukulele. :-D I'm making some progress okay.

Maybe watching Breaking Dawn next tuesday with Vannessa and SR. And maybe a picnic with CL, CT, Cheyenne, Grace and YN on friday! Yaaaay.

Dearest V,

this is what i found on formspring from lovensexpert. :-) Hope it helps.
Be strong and move on. :-) :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanks for making my day.

Hi, i had quite a great day yesterday. :-) Anyway i'll be posting about what i've been doing recently.

Wednesday 23 Nov
Vanessa and Si Rui came over! Well we played Wii sports and mario etc. Ate and chatted. Played with Boy etc. Hahha we had a huge appetite! Finished everything on the plate including the watermelon juice and I made some lime flavored jelly before that day, and Si Rui told me that it tasted like dish washer. That was mean lol.

Thursday 24 Nov
Met up with Chang Ting at Bukit Batok MRT at around 11. But she was 20 minutes late! Had lunch at Macs with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Chang Ting, Yue Ning and brother. Yup so went to Fairprice at Bukit Timah Plaza to do some shopping for the barbeque. Had to return home rather early because I accompanied my dad for an appointment at the polyclinic. The doctor was kinda friendly and it ended early.

Friday 25 Nov
Chang Ting and Grace were already at CL's place and had started the fire. Yay good for me hahahha. And i think we're the only weird people who barbeque in the morning.

This is Chia Lynn at the barbeque bit. :-)

Lol got into the pool cuz the weather was really hot and humid.

Hi and this is me, CT and YN.


Nothing to do so this was what we came up with!

This is really creepy CT!!!!

After the barbeque, we went back to CL's place and watched Vampire Sucks but i wasn't really into the movie so i was fiddling with YN's iPhone and played Temple Run and talked to the Siri! YN and Christa left quite early so we played Murderer etc. I was being paranoid :-) I like being the police and victim cos i can't wink properly hahhaha. Met up with my mum and had dinner. So now i'm thinking which movie we should watch next Friday. Thank you for making my day you guys! 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Short update

This is my 297th post! I'm finally close to 300. :-) Yay haha well, i've been busy cleaning my house today, mainly because my friends are coming over tomorrow hahahahha. Okay i just made jelly and i don't know if it tastes good. Having a headache now. :-(

Feel like playing wii, lol nothing to do right now. Mm, that should be all. I know you just wasted your time reading this. Bye.


Monday, November 21, 2011

What i've been doing.

Guess what I've been doing tonight! I was actually learning to play Officially Missing You by Tamia with the ukulele!! It's really hard, that's why I'm gonna spend my next few days practicing the chords. I did some homework on it and watched a few tutorials. I think this one is the best! ;-)

It's pretty clear I think. I even printed out a blank chord sheet to note down the chords. There're like 11 chords? I don't know if it's just the introduction or the whole song. It's 12:31 A.M. so I can't practice right now. The neighbors will complain lol.

Was reading random people's blogs. And yea, it'll be a busy week. :-) Vanessa and Si Rui are coming over on Wed. On thursday i'll be meeting CT, CL, Cheyenne and YN to buy food and ingredients for the bbq which is on friday. Yea did I mention Si Rui came over on Friday right after cca? Yay it was quite fun and lame. Hahahha we played Wii and she sucks at Super Mario Brothers. ;-) Played tennis, table tennis etc. Yea that's pretty much how i'm spending my holidays. Stay updated!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Movies and annoying bus trips

Planned to make a video of our memories and stuff for Cheyenne, Chang Ting and Yue Ning and I was the only one left! I was supposed to reach Chia Lynn's house at 9:10 but i was told to alight at the wrong bus-stop! Hahah practically freaking out cos I thought I was lost. It's actually a bus-stop after that. Hm we made the cake together, but I think the credits should go to CL's maid hahhahaha! And we made Grace wait for an hour at Jurong Point. Sorry!

I drew a Nyan Cat birthday card for Grace before that day, but really doesn't look like it. Yea we watched the adventures of tin tin!

I really like the movie. The captain was kinda funny. ;-) I liked Tin Tin's dog, i wish my dog could be like him. -.- Cheyenne had to sit with a teenage guy which looked around our age, and CL and Grace were laughing and making fun of her? Haha mature. Didn't get to go to Artbox, which is why I went today with Si Rui. :-)

We went to the customer service twice. JP is really big. I got a pencil case, which i regret a little because it's too small. But anyway, had lunch and stuff and took the bus back home. Seriously i was so annoyed with this old lady sitting next to me on the bus halfway through the journey. Not to sound impolite, but technically, i was polite. She was like on sleeping pills (if there's such a thing), and kept leaning on me. She woke up a few times, and a few seconds later, she leaned on me, again. I felt so uncomfortable. If it was a guy i'd probably alighted the bus or hit him already. The weird thing was she was carrying hangers... And she made that irritated and rude noise when she woke up. Yea, like it's my fault she woke up. I didn't want to be impolite or rude or anything, but i should've just tapped her but seriously!!!! She ruined my bus journey. I'm afraid i'd be on Stomp cos it was so embarrassing. 

I wanna watch Puss in Boots and Breaking Dawn, which i think will be quite boring cos i forgot the plot and everything.

I'm still in my PE attire. Okay should probably turn off the computer.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Really lucky.

I'm really really happy because the appeal was successful! Actually I never expected it to work. Hah I'm really lucky. Thank you God for listening to my prayers. Thank you so much. :'-) 

I'm still deciding on the iPhone. Mm hope the prices drop by March next year.

Have been trying not to play too much computer games. Okay actually it's just MapleStory, and it kinda worked. The holidays are pretty boring and I don't know what to do at home. So it's pretty much just watching tv, playing Mario Brothers on Wii, eating, sleeping, on the phone, and more computer. I lead a dullll life. :-D Okay bye. Stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm really worried. I really regret not working hard enough for the exams this year. The appeal for the streaming results will be out soon.

Dear God, 

Please let me into the course I wanna go. I promise that I'll work really hard. I know that I did not put in sufficient effort this year, but can you give me one more chance? Please?


Friday, November 4, 2011


I just read about this trending topic on Twitter, Facebook and Google. Gosh, this girl is ridiculous. She slapped her mum, and stole her jewelries to get a LV wallet and bragged about it on the internet? Hah, hopefully she'll reflect on what she did.

Yea right now I'm doing my chinese tuition work. My grandma's staying for the weekend! :-) And i've been pretty much slacking at home. MapleStory is boring, i'm only level 54 for my mech. Hah well, that's all for this post. 


Monday, October 24, 2011


I just got back my results. It's really horrible, i don't know what i should do... I know it's over but i just can't seem to cheer up. 

And yea, here are some random pictures of celebrities i like a lot. :-)

This picture looks really nice to me. :-)


My delayed blog post.

South Division day today. Had to skip tuition. Hahah anyway, I'm in a costume-making group, and the theme was halloween. We got 3rd place :-) Haha the girl dressed as a vampire looked sexy. As in she acted sexy. Um, yea. Si Rui was disappointed. Don't be sad. Hahhaha i mean it!

Played Sims Social a while just now. It was so boring. I mean you only have 15 bars of energy. How lame. And Chia Lynn created Twitter. Yay. Waiting for March. :-)

Watch this video omg. She's so cool.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Johnny English

Got most of my results back, and they weren't good. I really wanna get into Track C. The one with 2 pure science, and A maths and E maths, and some other subjects. Mm, went out with Vanessa and Si Rui yesterday after school. We went to Lot 1 and some Secondary students came up to us and asked if they could have a picture with us for some guinness world record and we could get free cupcakes which didn't look appealing lol! We said yes, awkwardly. Had lunch at Sakae Sushi and I was looking at the receipt and this old woman walked beside me and said in Chinese something about the bill and $100 for some prize or something. I was like, whaaaaat are you talking about? Then she asked us if she could have our receipt, lol we said no. We still needed it. And we saw her taking the elevator down. A while later, she was sort of stalking us. It's really creepy! So she went down and up just to ask us for the receipt, again. Why are singaporeans so um, greedy or annoying or something?

Watched Johnny English! It was really funny!!!! I recommend this movie! Hahaha I know it's a bit late to watch it cos' it was out for at least one month. Yea now I've the fear of old Chinese woman and vacuum cleaners.
Waiting for the Maple wizet patcher to load. Bye.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A mess.

Hey. I feel really tired. But at least i don't have to stay up to do revision. Heh, well, yesterday didn't really turn out well. Mm, I don't know why they wrote on the Facebook wall that there'll be cookies collection or whatever, so after my last paper, Vanessa, Si Rui and I went home. Well, not exactly home, but they wanted to see Boy. Okay he was scary as usual but he's really cute when he's not barking! :-) Took 970 and I went to Vanessa's place. It's nice! Hahahha, then we met Si Rui at the MRT, and took 14 lonnng stops to Kallang. We actually planned this but supposedly, not yesterday. Mm, we reached the mrt station but we were kinda lost. Waited for bus 11 to the mall, i don't know why i felt so impatient. Ice-skated there. I really can't ice-skate well! I just can't balance properly and it was too hard for me. Changed the shoe-size and i guess 6 was the right one. -.- It was reaaaally tight and it really hurt. Yea they skated then sort of left me out at times. Probably because of my slow speed. Mm, wanted to have lunch/brunch/dinner or whatever you call that cos' i haven't eaten for the whole day, but i didn't mind much. My mum wanted to meet up with me for dinner. :-) Si Rui was in a rush to get home (you know why!). We had to be this unlucky that the stupid MRT had to be stuck at the train track for 30 minutes. We took 961 in the end. It was getting late, and Si Rui caught a flu halfway the journey. Mm, Si Rui had to be home by 7 but there was traffic jam and stuff. I was worried, but i couldn't do anything. I don't know. She turned out sort of fine...

Was it just me, or everything turned out such a mess?

Had tuition today, hahah! It was funny. Um, Ernest came late for tuition like me the last time I overslept! Had to help out after that. But I only did it for 1 and a half hour. Met up with Chia Lynn, Chang Ting, Cheyenne and Grace. But they didn't bowl. So to Chia Lynn's house, (again)! Hahahha, played cards. Old maid and i felt so lame. We were reading the words on the cards. "Jumbo the gardener", "Mrs fox washes up" etc. Heh, but it never fails to make me happy when I see them.

I know iPhone is the trend right now, but actually I really do like the phone! It should be $480 for the iPhone 4. Never mind, I can only change my phone the next March. Oh yea! Chang Ting made me miss 8 buses! 8 buses!!!! Took 985 with her back home. I bought a meal from McDonalds but i totally forgot that my dad had already cooked dinner. -.- I'm so forgetful.

Yea. This is all. Chia Lynn, you haven't sang "Jar of Hearts"!!!

Si Rui, are you okay? Talk to you on Monday.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I really really love Disney! Can't get the songs out of my head

I like Reflections, mm, Colors of the wind!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Miss you

I'm back from Hong Kong! Haha pretty obvious cos' school has already started yesterday. I enjoyed my trip there even though it's tiring. Bought some gifts for my friends and of course for myself! I miss all my relatives so much. 

Okay it looks like I'm strangling my little niece but I'm not. She's so cute right!!

Hi, this is my family from HK :-)

And this is Zachary and Bernice. My cousins' children.

Hehe this is my dad and I on the plane back to Singapore.

Yesterday wasn't really a day I'd expect. Lol but everything is sorted out already. :-) Had my English speech today, I was nervous. But I guess I made it through. And Ms Teo didn't come for lesson today. Lol I finally studied my Chemistry test properly and now she post phoned it to this Friday. And yes, it was my dog's 3rd birthday yesterday! We gave him this corn ice-cream as his 'dog birthday cake'. Happy birthday Boy!!!! I love you so muchhh! Kay that should be all, too lazy to type more. Should be doing ace-learning now. Bye!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Should I?

Hello I've been using the computer for quite a while already. Hahahha gotta tell myself to stop slacking gosh. Yup, I've received my report book and there's nothing really good. Lol but I improved. So that's a good news right? I'll be going to HK this Sunday, haha. I don't know if I've enough time to revise before the exams. I don't wanna resort to last minute studying again.

Having a headache now, again. I didn't even sleep well yesterday. I probably slept at 12:30 and woke up at... 5?   Lol was probably disturbed by the luggage-packing-noises. Hahhaha. Awww I do feel guilty. Boy is going to be alone for around a week when I'm in HK. We're sending him to some store that provides dog boarding service. Can't really trust strangers. Paying more for him to roam around the place, but who knows, maybe they will just lock him up. Hopefully not.

There's Teachers' Day celebration tomorrow. Wow, my school is really diligent. The teachers are still gonna teach even when there could be a half-day. Lol, yay?

I've been too bored, but I know I should be doing some work. I've been playing Maple, hahaha I've no life. I've a mechanic called Katiexoxo. Lol its level is 24 now. It's really boring to redo the quests over and over again. Hmmmm wishing the Sep holidays would be longer. :)

Yup, planning to go for lunch tomorrow with my friends, thought it would be too late... Aww. Caught up in a small dilemma. Haha.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time flies quickly

Hello I'm here to revive my blog! Haha okay, my common tests ended last Friday. Generally it was horrible. So far I did pass most of my subjects. I just haven't received my Geography, Maths, Art and DNT. Um anyway, did I mention that I'm going to Hong Kong from the 4th of September to the 9th??! Hahahaha okay sorry if I'm being naggy. Lol yeaaaa, no CCA this Friday. I don't have school next Monday, Tuesday and Friday! Yay finally I think I've enough time to meet up with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Chang Ting Grace and Yue Ning. Term 3 is coming to an end, it's really fast..

And yessss of course watch this cover of Maddi Jane's! Secrets by One Republic.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I cannn do it.

Common tests next week! Gosh I soooo should be studying right now. So yes, right after this I'm gonna do it. I've been sick for the past few days. Coughing and flu and soar throat. But I think it got better. The coughing really annoys me. Jia Wen didn't come yesterday and today, ah omg. And there's a new transfer student. Lol yea nothing much this month. I'll be going to Hong Kong during my September holidays. Lol that should be all, will be studying this and next week :-(

Goodbye, I cannnn do it.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy birthday I love you!

Finally done with my Geography chapter on Population revision lol, don't know what's taking me so long. Anyway, here's an update of what I've been doing.

Daddy's back home from the hospital! So glad he's fine but of course he has to rest at home and not carry things that are over 1 kg, which includes my dog hahaha! Yea can't bend down and squat and stuff. So he's not gonna be working for quite a while.

I wasn't selected for NDP marching, but I'm okay with it cos' I didn't attend one of the drills session this week. So I had to lead the campfire songs with Lina, Pei Xuan, Poojitha and Dianah. To the sec 1s. Lol was pratically stoning there, okay not so bad but just doing the actions and singing along. Yea wore my full guides uniform for the sec 1s' enrollment ceremony from 2-6.

Since my dad's operation's over and he's resting, my mum plans to go to Hong Kong in September, which falls on my sister's holidays. Lol mine's only 1 week plus it's the exam period! Okay will decide soon.

Oh yea I remembered!!! Yesterday, Si Rui brought her new turtle to school then people from my class were crowding at where it was. She said Sapphire didn't like it so she's giving it to Vanessa as her birthday present. The cover of the container was left slightly opened, and after assembly it's missing! The whole class was practically and frantically searching for it hahahha. Only at the end of the day it was found somewhere at the cupboard. Lol Montira named it Boo Boo? Hahhaha I know, it ate a lot, like my dear Vanessa.

Also, it was my mum's birthday on the 27th, and Vanessa's on the 28th. Bought my mum a handbag! Looks nice!!!!

Dinner delivered from Pizza Hut! Mmmmm.

Spicy chicken drumlets!!

Happy birthday!!!

Durian flavored.

Haha that's about it. And yes I haven't played Maple for almost 2 months and I didn't even think about playing it till Nov! Hahahha that's a bit crazy but yea trying to.

Gonna go now, goodbye!