Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Movies and annoying bus trips

Planned to make a video of our memories and stuff for Cheyenne, Chang Ting and Yue Ning and I was the only one left! I was supposed to reach Chia Lynn's house at 9:10 but i was told to alight at the wrong bus-stop! Hahah practically freaking out cos I thought I was lost. It's actually a bus-stop after that. Hm we made the cake together, but I think the credits should go to CL's maid hahhahaha! And we made Grace wait for an hour at Jurong Point. Sorry!

I drew a Nyan Cat birthday card for Grace before that day, but really doesn't look like it. Yea we watched the adventures of tin tin!

I really like the movie. The captain was kinda funny. ;-) I liked Tin Tin's dog, i wish my dog could be like him. -.- Cheyenne had to sit with a teenage guy which looked around our age, and CL and Grace were laughing and making fun of her? Haha mature. Didn't get to go to Artbox, which is why I went today with Si Rui. :-)

We went to the customer service twice. JP is really big. I got a pencil case, which i regret a little because it's too small. But anyway, had lunch and stuff and took the bus back home. Seriously i was so annoyed with this old lady sitting next to me on the bus halfway through the journey. Not to sound impolite, but technically, i was polite. She was like on sleeping pills (if there's such a thing), and kept leaning on me. She woke up a few times, and a few seconds later, she leaned on me, again. I felt so uncomfortable. If it was a guy i'd probably alighted the bus or hit him already. The weird thing was she was carrying hangers... And she made that irritated and rude noise when she woke up. Yea, like it's my fault she woke up. I didn't want to be impolite or rude or anything, but i should've just tapped her but seriously!!!! She ruined my bus journey. I'm afraid i'd be on Stomp cos it was so embarrassing. 

I wanna watch Puss in Boots and Breaking Dawn, which i think will be quite boring cos i forgot the plot and everything.

I'm still in my PE attire. Okay should probably turn off the computer.

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