Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanks for making my day.

Hi, i had quite a great day yesterday. :-) Anyway i'll be posting about what i've been doing recently.

Wednesday 23 Nov
Vanessa and Si Rui came over! Well we played Wii sports and mario etc. Ate and chatted. Played with Boy etc. Hahha we had a huge appetite! Finished everything on the plate including the watermelon juice and I made some lime flavored jelly before that day, and Si Rui told me that it tasted like dish washer. That was mean lol.

Thursday 24 Nov
Met up with Chang Ting at Bukit Batok MRT at around 11. But she was 20 minutes late! Had lunch at Macs with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Chang Ting, Yue Ning and brother. Yup so went to Fairprice at Bukit Timah Plaza to do some shopping for the barbeque. Had to return home rather early because I accompanied my dad for an appointment at the polyclinic. The doctor was kinda friendly and it ended early.

Friday 25 Nov
Chang Ting and Grace were already at CL's place and had started the fire. Yay good for me hahahha. And i think we're the only weird people who barbeque in the morning.

This is Chia Lynn at the barbeque bit. :-)

Lol got into the pool cuz the weather was really hot and humid.

Hi and this is me, CT and YN.


Nothing to do so this was what we came up with!

This is really creepy CT!!!!

After the barbeque, we went back to CL's place and watched Vampire Sucks but i wasn't really into the movie so i was fiddling with YN's iPhone and played Temple Run and talked to the Siri! YN and Christa left quite early so we played Murderer etc. I was being paranoid :-) I like being the police and victim cos i can't wink properly hahhaha. Met up with my mum and had dinner. So now i'm thinking which movie we should watch next Friday. Thank you for making my day you guys! 


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