Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi to start it off: i helped out for 6 hours today!! Was almost out the whole day. For guitar, and back at only 8 plus. I'm watching Puss in Boots tomorrow with my mum and my sister. :-) I can't wait! Hahha i'm sounding like a little kid. And guess what!

My guess was correct! It's really just letters J and S and their surname. :-)

Haha i'm so happy they answered my questions! :-) I think i stalked their formspring. And read all the questions they answered! Lol to put it in a nicer way, i'm such a loyal fan! Honestly i like Sonia more. I don't know why, but i think i'm attracted by her guitar skills! That's why i'm still practicing "officially missing you" using the ukulele. :-D I'm making some progress okay.

Maybe watching Breaking Dawn next tuesday with Vannessa and SR. And maybe a picnic with CL, CT, Cheyenne, Grace and YN on friday! Yaaaay.

Dearest V,

this is what i found on formspring from lovensexpert. :-) Hope it helps.
Be strong and move on. :-) :-)

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