Monday, December 26, 2011

Busy week!

I've been really busy last week. Have been going to HCA Hospice Care for CIP voluntary work with Si Rui from last Wednesday to Friday. We signed up for admin work, and we were under Guat Lin. It felt like we were doing all her unfinished work. Went up to the staff office. The staff there are pretty nice, they gave us food etc haha. As for Friday, woke up as usual at 6:30 A.M. which is so early, though i didn't have any trouble waking up. And did admin work and had lunch with Si Rui and her sisters. The performance wasn't well-organised. Got a chance to talk to some other volunteers. One of them was a guy from Clementi Town. He's only 15, and i thought he was 19 almost 20 or something. 

And yesterday was Christmas. :-) Had a family gathering at Holiday Inn Hotel. Had buffet but I wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat much. Spent the rest of my day at my cousin's place playing with the iPad and the ukulele. As for Christmas Eve, got the iPad for my dad for Christmas and his birthday. Of course the price is shared by my mum, sister and I. :-) 

One week left before school reopens. I'm gonna be broke. Will post up pictures soon. Stay tuned for more updates! :-) 

Sorry for the wordy post. 

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