Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time flies quickly

Hello I'm here to revive my blog! Haha okay, my common tests ended last Friday. Generally it was horrible. So far I did pass most of my subjects. I just haven't received my Geography, Maths, Art and DNT. Um anyway, did I mention that I'm going to Hong Kong from the 4th of September to the 9th??! Hahahaha okay sorry if I'm being naggy. Lol yeaaaa, no CCA this Friday. I don't have school next Monday, Tuesday and Friday! Yay finally I think I've enough time to meet up with Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Chang Ting Grace and Yue Ning. Term 3 is coming to an end, it's really fast..

And yessss of course watch this cover of Maddi Jane's! Secrets by One Republic.

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