Thursday, May 31, 2012

Great day

Was late for maths remedial today. Okay it was expected because I left the house 10 minutes later than usual. There was traffic jam, it was drizzling and the bus arrived pretty late, so I was 20 minutes late but the good thing was that Ms Wong wasn't there when Sherlyn and I reached the classroom. :-D There were people who were even later. :-D haha I sound so evil. Okay so after remedial/group study, Si Rui and I headed to Clementi Mall to get some clothes from Cotton On. Apparently her tee-shirt was soaking wet because all the water from her water bottle leaked and yea, everything got wet. Maybe that was just an excuse >:-) Finally shopped for something :-)
Actually we planned to ice-skate, but we didn't have the mood for it. So we went to book movie tickets for Man In Black 3! The movie was really great, and I was laughing throughout the movie. Really glad we watched this. Had lunch before that at Kungfu Paradise. But I couldn't finish my food, I think my appetite got smaller. 
I had the iced coffee again and I finished it in the cinema :-D 

Haha okay, so that's all. I really enjoyed today. And I feel that it's really tiring to keep updating my blog. Lol alright bye!

Oh and turn on your speakers on your computer! I've changed the song to Payphone by Jayesslee. ;-)

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