Friday, June 8, 2012


What an unearthly hour to be blogging. I've just finished reading the first book of The Hunger Games. It is a great story, but I feel depressed because all the other 22 tributes died and it was really saddening, although I already know the outcome of the story as I've watched the movie. But anyway I would definitely want to continue reading the other remaining books. I can't wait for the movies as well!

My relatives just arrived today, okay it's actually yesterday because it's past midnight. And we had buffet for dinner at Seoul Garden! We ordered more than 4 plates of chicken oh gosh. I mean just the 3 of us. Yep so we're going to the universal studios tomorrow and I don't feel really excited, maybe because I'm afraid of the adrenaline rush of taking a roller coaster. But it wouldn't be worth the money if I do not try.

Okay I should probably get some sleep as I've a long day ahead. Goodnight!

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