Sunday, May 13, 2012

A sunday afternoon

It's 13th May, which is Mothers' Day! Okay i'm blogging right now instead of spending time with my mum. On Friday I had my last papers, History and Emaths paper 2. History was pretty screwed up, because Mr Siah kept focusing on the reasons for Hitler's Rise to Power and I studied mainly on that. And I hardly touched on the treaty of versailles and the league of nations! And guess what? The two structured essay questions did not even involve a question on Hitler! Yea, anyway what's done is done.

So after our papers, Si Rui and I went to Vivocity to have lunch. We were walking around the mall searching for something good to eat. We took such a long time, and we finally decided on Secret Recipe! Okay i forgot what's the name of the dish that I ordered, but it wasn't really worth the money. I like the lasagna though! Looks really appetizing. Shall try the desserts sometime later. :-)

Then we headed to Sentosa! Felt so lighthearted. I don't know why. :-) Was at the boardwalk and we chatted away. Went to cycle for an hour and a half. We were riding near the paths along the beaches. Have to admit that Sentosa is quite small. Went to chill at Macdonalds with a 70 cents vanilla cone ice-cream. Hands were aching. I can feel it now..... 

My phone was left with 10% battery. That's sad. Anyway, here are some of the photos that we took!

I look so awkward.

Reached home at 7:30, the bus journey was almost an hour long! 

I've no idea why his mouth is slanted but he's so adorable!
I shall end here. And happy mothers' day to my mum!!! 
I've also discovered this GIF app on the iPhone and it's really cool! You should try it sometime!

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