Saturday, May 26, 2012

A rant which you probably don't want to read

I don't know why I'm blogging at this hour but I just discovered something on blogger and I'm unsure whether it's a good thing not that I'm willing to try out. It's called Google Adsense. And I've clicked on 'monetize' a couple of times and only now I bothered to read its content after 3 and more years of blogging. Basically it displays google advertisements on your blog. Yep I don't know why I am sharing this information when you can check it out yourself. Haha alright, I can sum up this week in one word. Bad. Maybe I've been constantly worrying about my results, thinking about it demoralizes me and it has been annoying me ever since I've received them. And I'm bothered by some other things as well. Sometimes it irritates me when people ask or question, "why is his/her life so perfect?" or "you don't seem to have any problems". Everyone has problems regardless of how important or serious the situation is. How can you assume what other people are going through? Stop all these judging. And if you act like everything is going well and keep quiet about it, it doesn't mean that you're not experiencing any problems. In fact, you might be close to tears and about to break down.

Sometimes when you answer "yes, I am alright", do you really mean what you say? Honestly I am so tired sometimes. I just want to be alone and do what I like. I can't help it but I feel that i'm quite rude and impolite towards certain people sometimes. I don't know why. Should I blame that i'm having moodswings? I don't even know when I'm in a bad mood until I realize that I've said something mean and I regret saying it. I'm sorry.

I wonder how some people can maintain everything and put it in place. I feel stressed too and do others notice? I doubt so. I am trying to produce good results but why is it so disappointing? I ask myself. I really need to reflect.......

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