Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My baking sucks

I'm starting to think that my baking sucks. I mean i've tried out some recipes and they tasted pretty good, like the chocolate chip cookies and apple crumble. But honestly, other than those two, the things that i've baked on my own really didn't turn out all that great. I like baking, it's kind of a passion/hobby of mine, but something always goes wrong.

So tonight I decided to bake brownies for my friends for Christmas. I literally went out just to buy baking powder because I mistakenly thought that I had baking powder at home when it was actually baking soda. They are two different things so I was like "nah, i'm not gonna screw up the recipe this time round". See my dedication here?

Anyway I think I overestimated myself and made 2 portions, because like I mentioned earlier I was planning to give them to my friends around 5-7 of them. But the end product turned out too crumbly and dry, and it wasn't sweet enough. This is probably because I didn't follow the recipe accordingly. I used a much lesser amount of chocolate, and the chocolate was unsweetened when the recipe's one was semi-sweetened. My mum said it's okay so I thought it would turn out fine. I added >50g of sugar to compensate for the chocolate, but it didn't help much. Sigh, then my mum kept reassuring me by saying, "it's not that bad, it's nice. I'll eat it for breakfast tomorrow." The more she said it, the more I thought she was trying to make me feel better. I mean my brownies weren't that much of a failure, it's just a moderate pass, but much improvement could be made.

Let me share with you my other baking failures haha. So one time I saw Byron's instructional video of the cookie cup and it looked super cute and appealing so I decided to be ambitious and tried his recipe out. Turns out somehow, I couldn't even get the cookies out of the cup. It failed so miserably and I left the two cups in the fridge because I didn't know what to do with it. Next day, my dad threw them away without even asking. He threw the cups away! Thank God they were free cups.

Another time, (which was quite recent, it was during my previous holidays), I wanted to bake these mother-in-law tongues which I found from my dad's recipe book. It's a cookie shaped like a pringle. And I thought, hey if this turns out successful I can post it on instagram. Turned out to be a total disaster. It tasted like cake instead and I'm not even joking. The batter was stuck to my parchment paper and I couldn't get it out! Unfortunately I wasted my parents' money on the ingredients and my time put into baking and washing up. The recipe was way too vague and adding my limited baking skills and knowledge = *_*

The more I write this post, the more depressed I get. But yes, I read that baking is like a science or an art, and it's kind of like trial and error. My dad says sometimes you can't get it right on the first try. I'm not gonna give up on baking I can assure you! I'll fill this blog of hopefully successful bakes! x

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Holidays make me happy

Holidays equals to doing things that you like, things that make you happy. As for me, it equates to baking, binge watching Korean dramas (that is if I discover interesting ones), reading books, visiting cafes, exploring new places in Singapore and i'm definitely planning to visit the National Gallery which looks absolutely beautiful. I love any building that resembles those European architecture that looks ancient yet visually appealing. I think my (future) camera would be in love!!! Currently saving up for the Canon 100D but my progress is kinda going nowhere at the moment, clearly can't wait to use it when I travel overseas next year!

Today, I went to Awfully Chocolate with Chao Lei this afternoon to satisfy my iced mocha craving, which I tried the previous time I went with Wei Ling and it tasted heavenly, even better than Starbucks/any other mocha i've drunk before! Not lying, I promise. We started on our SIP reflection journals and we kept getting distracted and chatted non-stop. So much for getting things done but like they say, the first step to overcome procrastination is to start easy (or just start somewhere). #sourceunknown #probablyfromme

Spent the evening with Wei Ling, Si Rui, Lin Ying and Vivien at Jcube and had my sesame udon noodles at Itacho Sushi which wasn't even filling. Need to stop spending on food, someone remind me please. It wasn't really a bible study session, more of a shopping session for Wei Ling haha!

Still can't believe that 2015 is ending so soon. Reminds me of the faith goals and regular new year goals i've set to achieve for the year but some failed miserably... I'm also planning to restart on my #100daysofproductivity challenge, which originated from Tumblr. The general idea is to make sure that everyday you do something — anything productive. It embraces the concept that by chipping away at least a little bit of that big pile of work we all have everyday, we can make huge changes for the future. 

Felt motivated and inspired after scrolling past some posts of it and thus, i've created a blog specially meant for that. (Link here) Hopefully, the challenge is a way to develop my self-discipline to literally do anything like go for a jog, cook something healthy, read newspapers, bring my dog out, make some study notes, do household chores, study a chapter or two for my exams, instead of stagnating at home watching Youtube videos incessantly. I believe that it's a choice (or even a struggle) everyday to choose between being productive or wasting the day off. And this challenge will get me started and avoid procrastination. 

I'll update you on the progress! xxx

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fulfilling week

Holidays are coming to an end unfortunately, but i'm trying my best to be optimistic. This week has been pretty fulfilling!

Went to Fairprice Xtra with my mum and dad on Monday. Grocery shopping with my parents makes me feel happy. You can just grab your favourite snacks off the shelves and they will most likely pay for it. Haha i'm just kidding but it's the company that makes the whole trip worthwhile! I wanted to bake almond cookies called "mother-in-law tongues" found in my dad's recipe book (what a cute and quirky name) but being an amateur, the whole thing was disastrous. Threw away almost everything which made my heart break a bit because we specially went to Cold Storage to get some extra ingredients. This totally reminds me of my failed cookie cups. However the recipe was pretty vague haha and I kinda added the baking powder at the last minute. #tryingtovalidatemyfailure

Half of Tuesday was spent with Doris in school. Had mcdonalds and did some catching up! Apparently FC4 Koufu relocated to the new building. So not ready for school to start. #helpme

Wednesday was spent baking again! Baked chocolate chip cookies and the recipe was straightforward and simple and I used it before. Was my 2nd attempt baking alone and I had music playing. Was so fun baking alone! It's really comforting and relaxing. Gonna do this again sometime when i'm free. I get happy really easily, but it's the same as the opposite. Took me about 3 hours in total then I headed to the gym to accompany my sis! Was surprisingly crowded and I don't know why but I felt pretty intimated by the guys in the gym.

Today my parents and I brought Boy to Pet Lovers for his much-needed grooming session! The weather was unbearable and the pavement was too hot for his paws so we took turns to carry him home. Carrying him can really gain you muscles because he's a whopping 10kg heavy! Plus my body was already aching from gym yesterday. #imsuchagooddogowner

Had brunch at East Manhattan which was located nearby! Was pretty pricey. Food was average. But ambience was pretty cozy!

Really appreciate spending quality time with them, they make me happy. I usually don't plan anything with my friends on Mondays and Thursdays unless it's school related because it's the only time they are available and free from work! 

See you guys in a bit! x

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Had a picnic at night at Vivo rooftop with some of the cell girls: Si Rui, Eunice, Vivien, Lin Ying and Wei Ling. Haven't been attending cell as of late so I was kinda clueless as to what was going on with the cell etc. Anyway I managed to make cocktail sausages and bacon skewers! Kinda time consuming but I somehow like making food. It makes me happy. (If it tastes nice haha) but somehow I feel like no matter how bad the food that I cook tastes, I don't mind finishing it all up. We updated each other on our recent happenings and talked about the cell group. 

Also, happy (belated) 18th birthday to my bff Si Rui!!!! Thank God for you! So glad that I'm comfortable to share almost anything that's troubling/upsetting me and also share my happy moments with you. We're in this together, don't forget that! 

It's so funny how she wanted to get the latest White magazine in Kinokuniya and obviously I couldn't buy it in front of her for her birthday present so I had to go another day just to get it. And I was finding excuses so that she wouldn't buy it before I do. I said things like "hey it's expensive, it's not worth your money. Don't buy it!" My dissuasion worked! #amiagoodfriendorwhat #noireallyam

Also helped my sis out with her flea market preparation last weekend. Gosh I don't know how she managed to buy so many clothes, so much so that we had to stuff it into 2 huge luggages and 2 bags and lugged it into a cab and then to Lucky Plaza. The customers were 95% maids and the whole place was like a pasar malam and everything sold was super cheap like $1/$2/$4. But some of them could still bargain and ask for discounts when the prices were already ridiculously cheap. 

Another update to share with you is that I was recently watching a Korean drama called "Birth of a Beauty" for the past week and my mum joined in and watched like around 5/more episodes with me. Note that she chose to watch it, I didn't make her do it. Haha I find it really cute though. Didn't expect her to be interested in these kind of shows. I can imagine her in a couple of years after retirement on a Korean drama marathon, bringing Boy for frequent walks, hanging out with Huan Yiyi, and accompanying my dad with his trusty old camera to take pictures. 

Tomorrow I'll be going to Woodlands to visit King Kong (not the 25 ft tall gorilla you see in the theaters aha, but Chao Lei's poodle) with Doris, Wei Yun and Tricia! Hope that it will be a fulfilling day. Gotta make the most out of my remaining holidays. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

To those people who make plans and then cancel on you at the last minute

You're really inconsiderate.

Knowing that we have already agreed to fork out time and that time is reserved to let's say have a meal together, and that prohibits me from making other plans. Do you not realise that i've worked my schedule around meeting up with you? And perhaps on the day before our supposed meet-up, you decide to flake out just because you want to sleep in/watch your favourite TV series/you don't feel like you're up to it/whatever excuses you come up with.
Do you think it's really fair? 

Of course I wouldn't mind if you've a reasonable excuse like something urgent you've to attend to e.g.  visiting a family member at the hospital. But other than that, you're just being really selfish when the other party has already invested time to making these plans which they look forward to, just to have you bail out on them with a crappy excuse. 

The most you can do is give an early notice that you won't be able to make it and postpone the plans. Ensure you have plenty of rest the day before and please just honour people's invitations

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Have you ever looked into the mirror and you do not like what you see?

I do. I do all the time. 

Considering what the media portrays how unrealistic girls should look like to be deemed attractive — a thigh gap, a concave stomach, toned arms, v-cut abs and a narrow hip, and all? These "ideal" beauty standards have been subconciously ingrained in us ever since we were little kids playing with Barbie dolls and watching Disney movies and also through advertisements, magazines and fashion shows. 

To prove my point, do you ever realise how Disney princesses have huge eyes, similar neck and waist widths, extremely long necks, and unimaginably tiny wrists? Unless you're genetically blessed, achieving such beauty standards are actually quite impossible. They give children a false impression that you are only beautiful if you look a certain way. I do love Disney, but this is something that needs to be improved on or there will be repercussions.

Photoshop, digital alteration, and image manipulation also contribute largely to the flawless figures you see in music videos and magazine covers. They are drastically altered to sell fantasy, to feed their consumers with their definition of how a "perfect" woman looks like. I don't mean that photoshop shouldn't be used, obviously touching up and removing a blemish like maybe a pimple or an acne is fine, but unrealistic editing is not okay. Impressionable children and adolescents at such a young age are often still figuring out who they are, and they are easily swayed by things like the media. They can end up loathing their appearances and even develop self-esteem issues and eating disorders etc if these problems aren't dealt with properly. 

Victoria Secret also launched an advertising campaign recently, using a very controversial slogan as you can see from below.

After a petition on change.org which garnered more than 27,000 signatures, VS changed their slogan to this: 

When in fact, I wish advertisements could include more diversity and look like this:

Even mannequins are shockingly thin.

Like what even?

I have struggled with this issue for so long, of not accepting my appearance and loving myself for how I look. It's really difficult given the expectations that society upholds and perpetuates.  I still get self-conscious, I do compare myself with others and wish I could look more like them. But i'm still in the process of embracing my flaws and imperfections, and loving my own appearance because no one is perfect. God made you to be how you look like right now. You are beautiful in His eyes and nothing will ever change that. Be yourself. 

Love this Roald Dahl quote so much!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139:13-14 

Friday, September 25, 2015

3 weeks of holidays left and it's got me feeling rather nonchalant. I wish time would slow down though. Have been helping my parents out at the store pretty often, every weekend night and going down really opened my eyes and made me realise how tough it really is to work in not the best environment where you normally have the AC running, having to eat your meals late, and feeling all sweaty and oily after work. #colbiecaillatreference I used to help out in secondary school but I only did the serving and taking of orders and other miscellaneous duties, but now since we've shifted to Taman Jurong, i've to help out with closing as well and it definitely isn't easy. So guys, do appreciate your parents for their dedication and hard work to putting food on the table. 

Also, after a few years of telling my parents that I would like to treat them to Starbucks, I finally had an opportunity to! (my mum only though) but I love the feeling of giving to others, it's really satisfactory. 

Spent my holidays editing my sister's Japan videos. 2/4 done. Here's the first: Tokyo!

Till next time! x

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dear me

Can you be a better person?

One who is confident and isn't afraid of voicing her own opinions
One who is kind and non-hesitant to help others
One who is God-loving and God-fearing
One who is slow to anger and abounding in love
One who is transparent with her thoughts
One whose identity and security is found in God alone

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

New month, fresh start

It's September 2! Was late with yesterday's devotion but i'm really glad to be reading God's word and truthfully these few months without attending church and cell group was not particularly easy/helpful towards my spiritual growth. But the last session of SOL led by Daniel, my facilitator, really shed some light into my situation - that yes, everyone does face some sort of challenges when doing devotion/praying in tongues etc but one thing for sure is that it's not just talking the talk, it's walking the talk that counts. It's not easy, definitely. But I felt compelled to do it. And I want to follow suit tomorrow, the following weeks, months, and years ahead.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Two options

Nobody really announces when they are having a difficult time, going through something personal, and I feel like this issue i'm currently going through, it's not really major, but it's weighing me down a lot. Times like this you can only choose to either engulf yourself in sadness/bitterness, or you can choose to be joyful, to embrace and accept the situation and to slowly transition and move forward. I choose to trust in God's provision, to trust in His perfect plan for me, and that He has a reason why He placed me there.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Happy 50th birthday, Singapore!

Spent my national day at home, trying to study for IHRO next tuesday, which is really close, in 2 days' time. Anyway back to the topic, i'm honestly really thankful that i'm Singaporean, even though I do always complain about the humid and unbearable weather here, and how expensive everything here is sold at. But I believe that my parents' decision of moving to Singapore is part of God's plan. I may not fully comprehend what He has in store for my family and I, but i'm blessed to be living in a country where it's really secure, clean, led by an honest and efficient government, (and I can go on and on...) You can definitely choose to have a negative perception of our country and her flaws, but shouldn't we all be at least grateful for everything we have?

I'm amazed by the accomplishments our country has achieved just within 5 decades, and I can only give the due credit to our late founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew and the pioneer generation. Thanks for standing up for our country and having unwavering and firm beliefs of what is right in your eyes. 

Thank God for Singapore.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Halfway through

Really lazy these days. Days spent are on napping for more than e.g.: 4 hours today, and then feeling guilty about it afterwards. But i'm not going to repeat this habit starting from tomorrow. It's seriously ruining my sleep cycle/body clock.

Wake up, Sheryl.

Gonna get myself together and with almost one more month to go and i'll be done with this sem!

Time passes so fast, I don't know how many times i've repeated this.

P.S.: had my BLAW debate today about the moot court case we've been working on for quite some time, wrecking our brains and I could feel our brain cells depleting every time we had to come up with points...like seriously. Was better than I expected! Haha so while we were preparing for our debate, we were dressed in formal wear and we looked so professional like actual lawyers passing each other notes, ready to take on and win the case... (not really hehe joking but if you can visualise then good for you).

See you in a bit, hopefully!


Monday, July 13, 2015

E-learning update

So stoked it's finally e-learning week! I've been waiting for this week to come bc the past few weeks have really been draining, with project preparations and all.

So many things happened during the past month, I don't really know where to begin.

Today, my sis and I brought Boy to the vet and they changed location to just a street behind, thank God we didn't walk 7 bus-stops for nothing. The weather was super hot and Boy's fur is black, so basically he was absorbing a lot of heat and halfway throughout the journey, he asked me to carry him like usual. So being a very kind and caring owner, I did. I'm very sure my arms are going to ache tomorrow bc they already are. Anyway, the vet said that Boy has a fatty lump on his chest (it sounds so funny haha) thank God it's not malignant but if it grows 2/3 times bigger its current size, we have to bring him to the vet again for surgery to remove it. And he also has callouses on his elbows and butt area.

Went for lunch at mcdonalds after that bc my neighbourhood has nothing nice to eat sigh.

And my family has been planning to go on an overseas trip preferably either this or next year but the thing is my sister's and my schedules keep clashing thanks to school. The only period when we have hols at the same time is june and december, but that's my 3 weeks hols and i'd have projects and i'm afraid that i can't commit so I rather not go. Which makes this whole thing really frustrating bc we haven't been on a family overseas trip for these 2 years ever since I started poly thanks to our busier and more diff schedules. However i've to return to HK by november 2016 bc of the PR thing so yeap. Looking forward to more video-taking bc SG is just really limited sigh.

Oh and today was really productive! Started my e-learning + wrote some notes. Waiting to start on my SOL 1 but apparently nothing is uploaded yet. Haha I don't even know why i'm so excited to start on it.

I feel like my posts are kinda boring bc it's so wordy and i've been so lazy to upload pictures. But I will???? Hopefully soon.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Back again

It's currently the second week of my so-called holidays, and I am going through some BLAW which stands for business law and it's not very exciting but it's worth going through since i'm lacking behind and kinda lost. I really need more time for myself — days to spend at home, not all out and about and returning home at 8/9/10+ PM. It's not fun going out all the time to be honest. But this holidays is really short and I pretty much don't have a choice.

To update you, i've finally returned to church plus cell group! Only once though haha, but most probably it'll last till this holiday. I'm not sure if i'm allowed to go after that, considering that my schedule will be busier and more hectic. But God, I trust in Your perfect timing! I think I feel slightly better now that i've gone for post encounter, church etc, and rushing through post encounter lessons online because it really reminded me of how important it is to really do my daily devotion. Even though it's really difficult to amidst everything going on, but we need to exercise perseverance and discipline.

Also, I finally managed to hang out with Chia Lynn this holidays, at Sixth Avenue, and we ended up eating KFC there, can you believe it? I think you can aha, and we talked quite a lot and it was nice.

And yes, I got to see Si Rui after around 3 weeks????? It's like we don't see each other for a long period of time, then bam! Meet ups on last Saturday (post encounter), Sunday (church and cell group), this Tuesday (with Wei Ling), and yesterday (video-taking and cafe). Yes we are weird I get it.

I've made more videos. Click here to watch them!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I've completely neglected my blog this year!!! Somehow video-taking + editing seem more interesting (i'm guilty to say). But i'll be on a short hiatus till my next post and i'll probably be excited to blog since i'll be going to a rooftop to take more shots woohoo!!!!!!!!! Yes and more trips to cafes? With WL too I guess!! And I was contemplating whether to go for my 04 class outing this coming holiday, but now that they've already decided on a date which I can't make it due to project, o well haha it's just not meant to be. Thinking of it, it's been >1 year since i've last seen any of them! (Except for Sherlyn and SR of course!) Will it be awkward???? Still remember 1 year ago Feb 4, they surprised me with an ice-cream cake and a balloon ah too nice of them and I was so touched :-)

Something random but I actually like writing notes and giving people small little presents/snacks, really simple way to make someone's day! But now that MSTs are next week, I don't really have the time. Ah it's ok, will update 2 weeks later!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I feel empty, like something is lacking in me ever since I stopped my QT, stopped going to church and cell group. Even when asked to go to cell retreat for half a day at a chalet in Changi, I don't feel motivated at all to attend. I honestly signed up for post encounter because I don't want to lack behind and I wanted company. I feel like i'm such a bad human being. I feel like i've been keeping everything bottled up ever since my mum made that decision of not allowing me to go for church and cell group. Nothing is working. I pushed God aside, I just did things my own way. I don't know what to do... Like i'm alone in this journey. I'm afraid i'll break down when my sister leaves for Japan for 38 days, and all i'm left with is myself when I get home and I usually get irrational thoughts when i'm alone. I overthink to the point that i'll cry a lot, and nobody really knows.

Nothing is going right.

Monday, April 20, 2015

I don't know what to do sometimes when i'm just left with nothing but one way to go. I'm incapable of dealing with this and I feel like i'm just trying to avoid the situation, hoping that I can somehow manage this on my own. I'm really afraid, tired and weary. Help me?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Y1 sem 2 term 2 holidays summary

Was having the feel to blog in the afternoon but laziness got the better of me and I just spent my whole day watching videos and HK drama gosh what was I doing with my life. I have indeed become lazier, I must admit but i'm going to make a 180° drastic change starting from this coming Monday when school starts and i'll be in my 2nd acad year. Very upset that my class will be splitting due to HMMIP, but i'm to be more optimistic and it's working for now.

So because I haven't updated the first 1/4 of 2015, i've decided to write up a list (summary) down below not in sequential order.

  • visited Wei Ling at Bukit Merah and went to Pan Delights twice
  • found a part-time job at Boufe Boutique Cafe (and I just quit yesterday sigh)
  • shared my testimony for TGIF. Thank God I didn't feel nervous, just a bit awkward having all eyes looking at me but yes I overcame it!!!!! And also thank God Wei Yun and Moli came!!!!! So heartened that Wei Yun intentionally cancelled her work to set aside time for this event and that Moli received Christ partly because of my testimony.
  • made a short film (inspired by Casey Neistat and Jacksgap)!!!!!!!!
  • changed my spectacles
  • attended Campus Encounter and it was indeed so spiritually rewarding (if there's such a term) 
  • bought another schedule book because Boy decided to be naughty and shredded my old one
  • bought a novel and Time magazine (Lee Kuan Yew edition)
  • went to the Parliament House with Si Rui at 3AM to pay our last respects and give thanks to Mr Lee
  • have been seeing Si Rui at least 3 times every week. Gosh why is my life so hard (i'm totally kidding aha) i'll miss seeing her once school reopens
  • took the bus at the wrong direction twice + missed a train stop yesterday when we went for our last day of work. We ended up taking a cab and even the taxi uncle teased us. I think we had insufficient sleep???? I don't even know what happened. Also, I almost died because I felt like my bladder was really gonna burst if anyone made me laugh or touched me and Si Rui found it entertaining while I was suffering...
This should sum up the end of my holiday and I should turn in early (1:11AM now) because my new class timetable has 3x 8AM lessons. Goodnight and I hope i'll update in less than a 1/4 of the year's time!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

To cherish

One thing to take away from the passing of my aunt's husband is that life is indeed so frail and fragile. Please do cherish the people whom you love because they could be gone the very next day.

Press on and keep praying for them. Claim their salvations! It's never too late to buy them little gifts and make them breakfast and just use any means to make them happy and always let them know that you're thinking of them, you appreciate them and make them feel loved because in the end, no one lives forever.

"Perhaps suffering could even be considered a gift because it might just turn us toward the One we need most of all." LLJ

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year resolutions

New year, fresh start and new resolutions right?

I'm making it a point to have it all thought out and published because there are some things that I certainly need to work on and writing it out here will probably push me to really keep them and incorporate them in my lifestyle.

So here you go!

1) Exercise regularly
ESP during holidays!

2) Sleep before 1:30AM everyday
Really essential to have plenty of rest!!!

3) To stop napping
Naps can be unhealthy because they normally make me feel groggy and disorientated and they interfere with my nighttime sleeping. And according to research, you can die prematurely if you nap too much!!!!! Just stick to resolutions no. 2 and 6 and naps will no longer be necessary!

4) To have a healthy diet
Consisting strictly of no deep fried food, fast food, soft and sugared drinks (including cartoned fruit juices), confectionery and snacks, frozen and packaged food, and maggie noodles. Eat loads of veggies and fruits and make juices during the weekends!!!! Treat day once every 2 weeks. (Notice I used "treat" instead of "cheat" because as much as I crave these unhealthy food, having a good diet isn't a punishment and I think is something I really might enjoy given that I really have made improvements in terms of my diet since last year compared to previous years where I would carefreely indulge in all kinds of food. But as of now, i've been making a conscientious effort to eat everything in moderation. Although there are missteps along the way, it's perfectly normal. Perfection is unattainable and just get back on track!!!!)

5) Drink plenty of water everyday
8 cups a day.

6) Revise consistently
Consistency is key! Keep a list of small and attainable things to accomplish every week. I'm sure this will lessen my workload and stressfulness when it comes to exam period (which is after Chinese New Year wow).

7) Join a new CCA

8) To take more pictures

9) Spend more time with my family, friends and cellies
To show concern for them through words of affirmation, acts of service, and surprise them with gifts and short letters!!!

10) Write a thanksgiving each day

As for my faith goals...

11) Guard my time with God through daily devotion and prayers

12) To go for encounter camp

13) To put God into consideration whenever I make decisions because I can't work without Him
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

14) To faithfully do what my leaders ask me to
Even if the appointed tasks seem daunting, one thing's for sure that God will never put me through anything I can't handle.  

15) To pray for my family's and friends' salvation

This verse really puts my heart at ease knowing that even amidst everything going through my life, there's only one constant and that's God's everlasting love for me and that He will never leave nor forsake me. "That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go. I'm telling you, 'Don't panic. I'm right here to help you.'" Isaiah 41:13

Even as I was thinking of what goals I should include, I went back to my 2014 New Year resolutions post and I found out that actually 6 out of 12 of them are included here just that they are more specific. And even if I break any resolutions, it's okay, don't worry. I'll just work on them everyday knowing that I can achieve them step by step!!! It's possible!!!!!!!!! 

I think 1/3 of my brain is fried after thinking for more than an hour on what my resolutions should be and doing research on the list of food I should avoid... But better set it in black and white than a day later right?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Start of 2015

Blessed New Year everyone!!! As 2014 has come to an end, I can't help but feel like I didn't exactly want the new year to approach so fast. It's quite scary how time flies. And this word really hit me as i'm taking time to reflect through the past year: urgency. Urgency for my pre-believing family and friends to receive Christ. 

And here's a quote that I can came upon and resonate with and if you're a pre-believer and you've this mindset/misconception towards certain Christians, here you go.

'Everybody thinks i'm crazy. They say, "You take the Jesus thing too seriously." Well I don't know, but Christ took me pretty seriously when He died for me on the cross.'

Honestly, 2014 hasn't been very smooth-sailing for me because even as I got my school posting results, I wasn't exactly happy that I got posted to DTRM in SP even though I wrote that course as my first choice but there wasn't any excitement because up till now, I don't know if my career option will be related to the tourism industry but I just thought that God will really reveal to me what His plans are, and i've to be sensitive to His promptings and just continue trusting in Him even as time goes on... even if it isn't easy and challenges are presented to me. 

There's this pit/void in my stomach right now and that's because I just found out that i've stats homework which I haven't even touched gosh. And the thought of 9 weeks of school approaching kinda just makes me wanna roll in my bed and hide under my blanket but ah... I'll leave this verse up and God bless for 2015!!!

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but The Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9

(I'll write up my New Year resolutions probably in the next post because i'm feeling so tensed up right now)