Sunday, January 4, 2015

Start of 2015

Blessed New Year everyone!!! As 2014 has come to an end, I can't help but feel like I didn't exactly want the new year to approach so fast. It's quite scary how time flies. And this word really hit me as i'm taking time to reflect through the past year: urgency. Urgency for my pre-believing family and friends to receive Christ. 

And here's a quote that I can came upon and resonate with and if you're a pre-believer and you've this mindset/misconception towards certain Christians, here you go.

'Everybody thinks i'm crazy. They say, "You take the Jesus thing too seriously." Well I don't know, but Christ took me pretty seriously when He died for me on the cross.'

Honestly, 2014 hasn't been very smooth-sailing for me because even as I got my school posting results, I wasn't exactly happy that I got posted to DTRM in SP even though I wrote that course as my first choice but there wasn't any excitement because up till now, I don't know if my career option will be related to the tourism industry but I just thought that God will really reveal to me what His plans are, and i've to be sensitive to His promptings and just continue trusting in Him even as time goes on... even if it isn't easy and challenges are presented to me. 

There's this pit/void in my stomach right now and that's because I just found out that i've stats homework which I haven't even touched gosh. And the thought of 9 weeks of school approaching kinda just makes me wanna roll in my bed and hide under my blanket but ah... I'll leave this verse up and God bless for 2015!!!

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but The Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9

(I'll write up my New Year resolutions probably in the next post because i'm feeling so tensed up right now)

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