Thursday, January 13, 2011

You belong with me.

82 million hits. I'm serious.

I'm getting so stressed up about the Guides presentation and the Photo competition. I finished my part already. Guess what it's 9.23 and I haven't done my chinese work. I'm so dead. And also, I had maths period today and I lent it to Nicole Tong but she lost my worksheet so my name got recorded in the Discipline Record File. Grrr Mrs Lai why can't you just be nice and don't write my name down just for today? I stayed back till 5 today. So I'm feeling really tired right now. I still have swimming and tuition on saturday. Ah I just wanna stay at home. I wanna sleep.
I don't know what. I feel like you're acting like you don't know me or something. Why can't you just be that close buddy I used to have? I hope things don't get the wrong way but it seems like you are not even interested or you don't even make an effort to see me. I don't know if I can even call you a good friend right now. I know there are reasons but I think sometimes they are just excuses. Keeping in touch doesn't mean saying it and not trying to keep your promise. I miss you.

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