Saturday, January 8, 2011

Listen to your heart.

One of my favorite songs. 

I just had tuition, 3:30 it ended. And CCA open house was today! I woke up at 5.50 today I'm feeling so tired. But I don't feel like sleeping. The whole school was once again shouting. Afi and Nicole Tong asked if I could give them any Girl Guides cookies. Hahaha sadly it's for the secondary 1s. Afi was shouting, "NCC!" Lol seriously it was noisy. Hmmm I got my total defense badge, but its pinned on and finally, my company tag.
I can't find how to change the font color etc. Sigh. I'm an IT noob. Haha. Okay guess there's nothing much to talk about so goodbye. Wonder what new year clothes I should buy.

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