Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's like a flashback.

It's 6 already. Have Guides tomorrow and CCA fair on Saturday. Was talking to Vanessa on the phone just now. Hahaha Si Rui said she wanted to photocopy the whole English textbook because it costs almost 20 bucks and she assumed that Ms Arwinder isn't gonna use it. I think we looked like we were on drugs or something. Seriously. I thought I could feel some girl sitting behind us staring at me. Lol omg. Yeah and I saw that guy again! Okay I think I shouldn't sound so enthusiastic. He was at the skate boarding place. I suggested, "let's take the stairs". Who knows he was there. Today. And Si Rui said, "oh you wanna take the stairs because you wanna hear his accent." Hmmm not true. My eyesight is bad so I didn't even know he was there. I finished my Maths homework in class. Left with Chemistry and Geography. Yeah. Nothing much actually. And guess what! I didn't turn on my laptop this year. I guess. So that means I didn't play Maple and Audition for this week. Yay keep up the good job. But I'm not even addicted to Audition. I don't want to delete it either so I'm just leaving it there. Plus I've enough memory. Aww my cash items. Money wasted. But it's okay! Haha. I'm quite broke right now. Ah never mind. Goodbye.

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