Friday, December 10, 2010

Your smile is stronger than a hyperbeam.

I just found out something that I rather not know. I mean, cheer up. Don't be so moody. I am sure Grace and you will be fine. Everything is going to be all right. Since you already apologised, I'm quite sure that they won't be so mean and make it a big deal. She's an adult. She should understand. Just don't think too much okay? I mean all these that you did, yeah well, it's childish. But it's also part of growing up. You do things that you shouldn't do. Be mischievous. But in the end, you still learn your lesson right? Call me tomorrow. 

Anyway, I went to West Coast today. Met up with Si Rui at Jurong East MRT station. Saw Alyssa and Sylvia. Sorry I was late, again. Haha. I took the train to Clementi. And who knows that the MRT person asked Si Rui to wait for the next train when the train that I'm taking wasn't full! Gee, then I waited for her. And yea, she brought her turtle. Bought Pringles in NTUC. I was like asking people for directions. Hahaha. Bought Egg McMuffin. I was hungry. We did kite flying. I didn't get to take any pictures. Yeah, and the string of the kite sort of cut my hand. No blood, but it hurts. So our petrol name is: Taylor Swift. And I may be coming on Sunday to get the ingredients. I've guitar. Yeap. Okay, I'm ending here. It's one of my very long posts. Haha. Talking to Cheyenne on MSN now. Hehe! Peace out. 

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