Sunday, September 19, 2010

My most recent post.

Hi. I know I haven't been blogging recently. But the real reason is I'm lazy and tired. And I've been quite busy these few days. Chia Lynn asked me if I wanted to take up a sport, perhaps in the community centre/ club. I'm not so sure. I've to make sure it's on a Saturday after 12. I'm taking the earlier bus to school these few days. I reach school at about 6.45. It's like half an hour earlier. 

I've a chinese test coming up next Wednesday. I better study because I'm kinda busy tomorrow. Family day. My sister is in Vietnam which leaves me alone for 2 weeks. But I think it's okay because I've my dog to company me. It has been 5 days already. I've no one to play Audition with. Well, I already bought some items. (In case you read my blog.) I think MissCrayonz look better now. Just that I only have 375, 000 dens. 

I think I'm going to be broke in October because I've to buy birthday gifts for my friends. Cheyenne, Chang Ting, Yue Ning and Si Rui. So I was thinking we all should meet up on a day after the exams... And we can celebrate all your birthdays. It's going to be exciting! Got to go now. Finish up my chinese composition. Goodbye! 

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