Saturday, March 29, 2014

Movie marathon

This week has gone by quite fast (although it's only Saturday) and i'll be having my freshmen orientation camp next Monday to Wednesday so I'll make a quick update of what i've been doing for the past week.

I've officially resigned from work on Wednesday!!!! These past 3 months at Red Cross was definitely an experience, although it wasn't the most interesting job I must say (my job scope = photocopying cheques, data entry, issuing tax and non-tax exemption receipts and other miscellaneous things) but most of my colleagues were pretty nice and amiable. And i'm really thankful for that.

As for yesterday, I met Si Rui early to return to Queensway to collect our graduation certificates and then we had a "movie marathon" (if you call 2 movies as one) at The Cathay. Divergent was really engaging and entertaining while Captain America was alright, movie plot was rather predictable. Anticipating for The Fault In Our Stars, The Amazing Spiderman and Noah #scripturereferences!!!!

Had Astons for lunch and then we had a Zeogen event at FCBC relating to the upcoming TGIF event. And guess what! Some people from FCBC are also in business school (aka my camp facilitator, Daniel). And I'm currently having the worst school jitters and nothing seems to help. I've been really unproductive lately, haven't been exercising for the past few weeks but i'll just try after my camp ends and see how it goes.

Gonna be packing for my camp, will be updating in a week's time!

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