Monday, March 10, 2014

First cell outing

Shall blog since I'm in a pretty good mood though I'm having a little bit of gastric pain. Listening to worship songs and it really calms me haha brings back Pei Hwa singspiration memories. Really blessed to have been enrolled into a Christian primary school which nurtured my spiritual foundation.

Went for service today at 9AM thankfully Si Rui and I were just on time and weren't locked out! Walked around Vivocity for a bit then headed to Clarke Quay for our cell outing and had trouble finding our way to Settlers Cafe. It's actually a board game-themed cafe kinda cool place to hang out I guess. Apparently I think I've really slow reflexes and I was like "what is going on" but no worries, the staff was really patient and nice and he coached us on how to play etc.

And then we went to Westgate to have our late lunch at Breadtalk cafe food was surprisingly good but a little pricey I think I'm just too poor to afford anything to be honest.

As for Saturday, I spent some time alone which was really good because I've been caught up with work and church every other day.

I'm starting to develop an interest in cooking and photography though I'm clearly an amateur but I'll commit time trying and perfecting recipes once I've resigned from my part-time job later this March. So stoked~

Going for a dental appointment at Jurong polyclinic tomorrow morning for scaling and polishing before getting my x-ray done in April. That's it really, goodnight!

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