Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Midnight thoughts

It might not be a big thing - a tone of voice, a missed birthday, a delayed reply or an insensitive remark but it's everything accumulated that makes it the last straw causing you to break down into tears and wallow in self-pity. 

Sometimes I'm not even aware but I do cry for no particular reason maybe because of evocative thoughts or what if it's a symptom of mild depression or anxiety? Maybe I'm over analyzing things but anyway what I do to get over it is watch my favourite TV shows and listen to music and gorge down snacks. They temporarily work but sometimes these recurrent thoughts surface again and the cycle continues and it really sucks. And what makes matters worse is when someone sees you cry. I don't know but maybe it's because I get conscious of how others perceive me and I don't want to appear vulnerable and weak and really messed up. 

Sorry I just had to talk about this. It's just something I've kept to myself and it's quite personal as well. Maybe someone can relate to it and not feel like you're alone. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blessed Valentines

Came back from having dinner at this restaurant called Tung Lok Seafood at Orchard Central. It was a family gathering to celebrate my grandma's 83rd birthday! Haha the food was sinfully savoury cos we mainly ordered deep-fried dishes.

Wednesday: went to watch The Book Thief with Si Rui at Jurong Point. Really loved the movie, very sentimental yet depressing.

Friday: went to TC for Zeogen's Valentines Day event specifically meant for the youth and I enjoyed myself. Cabbed home, going to be broke soon. Also received chocolates from my colleagues aw they were so sweet I think I'll need to prepare something for my friends on Valentines next year!!

Thank you so much Si Rui for the birthday gifts I really like them x
Yay go Artbox
Thanks Chia Lynn for the lovely Valentine/birthday gift! x
Church yesterday!

I need to sleep early because I've to go to church again tomorrow for service!! Super packed and exhausting week. Goodnight x

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Had house visiting with cell group on Sunday it was quite exhausting to be honest because we had to do loads of travelling. Was almost lost while finding my way to Claudia's place but thankfully I bumped into Vivien. They had loads of Chinese New Year goodies and it's pretty hard not to gain weight during new year. And I received this lovely set of cards from Eunice with birthday wishes written on them and I really appreciate it!!

Had pizza for dinner at Cherie and Cherlyn's place (so much for a healthy diet) and most of them were playing mahjong/hearts etc while I was just watching and Joevenn was being annoying haha. Cabbed home with Melvin, Ivan and Denise from Hougang and it took less than 20 minutes!

As for Saturday, I went to The Art House for my sister's finals/NTU singing competition. Waited at Cityhall MRT for approximately 50 minutes haha I was such a dork, should have walked around for a bit. Met up with Eugenia, Gillot, Sohhan, Rina, Hermes and others and yea the competition began. The audience consisted of less than 100 people I suppose? Anyway what I dislike about the voting system was that it was 50 cents per vote and each person was allowed a maximum for 30 votes which was $15 and I don't know I just felt it was a little unfair and sort of bogus. 

Anyway i'm really proud of my sister for overcoming her stage fright and delivered well!! The judges' comments were mostly positive and guess what, she even won 1st place!!!!! All glory to God 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


So I had a class gathering (reunion dinner) after work at Vivocity on Tuesday and my classmates gave me a birthday surprise!! I was genuinely really touched because I've never gotten any birthday surprises before and I didn't receive any cake from my family which made me kinda depressed the previous night. Don't ask me why but I feel that birthday cakes are an integral part of birthday celebrations and I honestly don't ask for much. And Si Rui sort of gave it away haha she's such a bad liar. (But thanks for the handwritten letter!!!)

Red velvet ice-cream cake - really tasty!!
Thanks Priscilla! x
Sentosa with family on Sunday

I've also gotten my JAE results and I got posted to Tourism and Resort Management at Singapore Poly and I couldn't appeal to NP because my L1R4 didn't meet the entry requirements. I don't know how to put it, but I was originally pretty okay with the school I got because I didn't really expect myself to get into Ngee Ann but I don't know I had a rough night yesterday guess it's all sorted out now. Whatever it is, it's part of God's plan x

(It's okay there's 1-for-1 Starbucks every Wednesday if I'm not wrong haha) yea that's pretty much it I'm sleep-deprived and I don't know how to end this so goodbye x

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chinese New Year

So it was Chinese New Year yesterday and my family had a reunion brunch at Kiseki at Orchard. It was basically a Japanese buffet but I didn't manage to eat much, my appetite probably shrunk. They had sashimi, chilled prawns and teppanyaki and other Jap food etc but no sushi!! Anyway it was nice to see them after such a long time (okay not really since there was Christmas) but Sherwin is currently still in Australia!

Also visited my aunt's place and chilled while my relatives were playing some Chinese cards which I had no interest haha even took a nap because I was worn out from making Daddy's non-bake mango cheesecake at 12AM for his birthday. Turned out pretty well but it lacked a bit of mango pulp.

Had loads of steamboat and BBQ grill for the past few days!

#shoppingspree: Si Rui and I also went to Jem and I bought this pretty piece of MOTO bleach jeans which I really like from Topshop! And then we headed to Bugis and bought a few tank & cropped tops. 

Finally got this inspired Celine tee!
Heard greek yoghurt is healthy but it's not to my liking!

My heart has a weird condition where it palpitates really hard and beats quickly but I guess it's alright, just need to be monitored. 

Will be going to Sentosa tomorrow and bringing Boy along so I can't make it for service. Here's to another full week of work!