Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey people. I can't wait to go to the P6 Farewell Graduation Party. Though I am still not very sure whether I can come. I hope Elaine can come. But she is going to Australia, HK, and some other country. Anyway, do keep in touch alright, Elaine! Oh. I am going to watch Wizards of Waverly Place the movie tonight. Luckily, I don't have to help out in the store today or else I've to miss some parts of the movie. Anyway, I went for my guitar class today. It was an individual class, only for today. Its kind of awkward. IDK. I just feel weird. Hahaha. My classmates probably are going for a special guitar lesson to learn about some notes and such. Sigh. Shall end my post! Goodbye!

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