Sunday, November 8, 2009

Had my guitar class today. My sister is pestering me to test on the curling thing. She is trying to curl my hair. Wait, wrong word. Forcing. She even used her (you know what) tone, and pleaded me. I just kept quiet. It will become straight again very soon! And I am not going out today, so no one is going to see, except for my sister, and my dog. Sigh. Finally, done. Its a little curly now. But I think it will be straight a while later. Oh, back to the guitar lesson. I finally learnt almost all the basic notes, I think? Well, I'm still practicing how to play the grade 1 songs. And I need the guitar tuner. My guitar is out of tune. It doesn't sound right. The strings became loose I guess. Okay, I shall end here. Goodbye people!

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