Monday, November 30, 2009


Hey! I went to Sentosa yesterday. It was pretty fun! Hahaha. Brought Boy along, and of course together with my relatives. Built this small "swimming pool" which is basically sand with water in it. Boy didn't really dared to swim, I don't know why. But he looked so cute when he swam! LOL! Okay okay. Anyway, I went to Bukit View Secondary School's open house today, the school is okay, but the higher chinese lessons are held at other school. I don't know, maybe I am going to try Queenstown Secondary. I just came back from Jurong Point not long ago. Got this bag and an umbrella from Art Box! They looked so cute! But its really expensive! Okay I need to go! Bye!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

PSLE results.

Hey. My results is pretty horrible! You know what I'm talking about. I don't know. I actually wanted to go out with my relatives after collecting my results, but I was really tired, and I kept yawning! And I didn't felt like going. Sigh. I didn't do so well. Okay okay. Next year I better work harder, and get better grades. Oh and I got above 200. But it is still pretty bad! You can ask me if you want. Goodbye!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

P6 farewell graduation party!

P6 Farewell Graduation Party today! Hahaha. I had loads of fun! Okay okay. Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Yue Ning, and I went to take bus 67 together to go to lot 1 at 10 o' clock, to fetch Chang Ting. Took neoprints in the arcade, as usual. And then we went to take the bus back to Chia Lynn's place. Joell and Nathanael showed up earlier than we expected, and kept saying that they were stuck in Chia Lynn's condo, and then at Mcs, and now outside her condo. They talked lots of crap! Omg. You can never guess how noisy they were! Hahaha. We went to make maggie noodles for lunch. That's because Mcdonalds is way too boring for me! After eating, Cheyenne, Joell, Nathanael and I went to the pool to make the water balloons! Haha wth, I tried pumping the balloons with water so many times, and I kept failing. So I went to the side of the pool and tried pumping it with water! It was much easier! Then Tristan, Justin Neo and Matthew Justin arrived! Hahahaha. Wth! They jumped into the pool when the water games haven't started. And then Ernest Chng came! He was the latest! He kept pushing the boys into the pool. Oh yeah. Some facilitators came too! Hahaha. I pitied the guy in the blue shirt! Those boys kept pulling and dragging him into the pool and there was also lots of splashing!

There was a water fight between the boys and the girls. My eyes did hurt a little, and it was a little red. Wth. The blue T-shirt facilitator kept splashing water at us! And Ernest kept throwing the water balloons at people! It was painful! We played a few games like: blow wind blow, dog and bone, and task fast task. I was already out for the second round of blow wind blow! LOL! But overall, it was really fun!

Tomorrow is a real terrifying day for me! Hahaha. Terrifying. Is that the right word? I don't know. Okay okay, I shall just enjoy the rest of today. Oh yeah. I am going to Malaysia on the 27th. I hope Boy will be okay. I will miss him so much! And of course my friends too. Chia Lynn, take care for your trip to Australia! Okay, shall end my post here! My relatives are back! Goodbye!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hi again. Second post of the day. Hahaha. I seriously got nothing to do! So maybe blogging helps to kill some time. My sister is going for her prom tonight. Becareful Valerie! Hope you don't end up like the girl in the movie, The Prom Night! Hahaha. I was just joking. I've got nothing much to say. So goodbye!
Went to bukit timah community club this morning to play badminton with my mum. It was really stuffy in there! I've got nothing much to talk about. Waiting to have my lunch. Sorry for the short post! I got to go!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey people. I can't wait to go to the P6 Farewell Graduation Party. Though I am still not very sure whether I can come. I hope Elaine can come. But she is going to Australia, HK, and some other country. Anyway, do keep in touch alright, Elaine! Oh. I am going to watch Wizards of Waverly Place the movie tonight. Luckily, I don't have to help out in the store today or else I've to miss some parts of the movie. Anyway, I went for my guitar class today. It was an individual class, only for today. Its kind of awkward. IDK. I just feel weird. Hahaha. My classmates probably are going for a special guitar lesson to learn about some notes and such. Sigh. Shall end my post! Goodbye!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I need a new computer. Both of them are really working so slowly! I'm so bored! What can I do? School has already ended. I used to think that these 6 years aren't important, but now I realised that it means so much to me. I will really miss Pei Hwa. Esp. having Chapel in the hall and my friends who are always supporting me. Chang Ting, Chia Lynn, Cheyenne, Yue Ning and Elaine! A special thank you for you! You guys are great friends! I hope that we can get into the same Secondary school! Where everything used to be the same. I love you to pieces! Keep in touch!

Sigh. I still have my swimming lesson later. At least I've a friend there! Anyway, I hope that I can go to the P6 Farewell Graduation Party. I maybe going to other countries, like Bintan? IDK. Waiting for the agent to call my Mum. But it should be on the 27th of November. I hope that they won't keep talking about my PSLE results! Or else I wouldn't be able to enjoy my holiday! Hahaha. Oh yeah. I went to Swiss Cottage Secondary School open house in the morning. Quite nice! They won lots of medals and trophies for Band. Wow, maybe I should consider to take up Band when I'm in Sec one too. Or not? Since I've been taking up Guitar course in Ossia. Okay, shall stop here! Ttyl!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sigh. Sometimes, I think that I still haven't accepted the truth. I can never forget how she used to sit on the couch while watching television. It is just so hard. I ask myself why? Why must this happen? But I just answer myself: This is life, nothing can change it. I regretted so many things that I have not done. Am I too late? I can say it, that I should look at things with a positive attitude but sometimes I just can't do it. I simply don't get it. I miss you a lot. I hope nothing was changed. :(

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blue- You make me wanna

You know you make me wanna...
You know you make me wanna...

To start it off i know you know me,
To come to think of it, it was only last week
That i had a dream about us, oh
That's why i'm here, i'm writing this song
To tell the truth you know i've been hurting all along
Someway let me know, you want me girl

Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like i'm a poor man and you're the queen,
Oh baby, you're the only thing that i really need
Baby that's why

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light
You make me wanna love,
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul
I know this is a feeling that i just cant fight,
You're the first and last thing on my mind
You make me wanna love
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul

Well i know that these feelings wont end now
they'll just get stronger if i see you again
Baby i'm tired of being friends
I wanna know if you feel the same,
and could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Dont leave me in doubt

Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like i'm a poor man an you're the queen
Oh baby, you're the only thing that i really need
Baby that's why

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light
You make me wanna love,
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul
I know this is a feeling that i just cant fight,
You're the first and last thing on my mind
You make me wanna love
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul

I'll take you home real quick
Sit you down on the couch
Pour some Don Perignon and hit the lights out,
Baby we can make sweet love,
Then we'll take it nice and slow
Gonna touch you like you've never known before
We're gonna make love oh

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light
You make me wanna love,
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul
I know this is a feeling that i just cant fight,
You're the first and last thing on my mind
You make me wanna love
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light
You make me wanna love,
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul
I know this is a feeling that i just cant fight,
You're the first and last thing on my mind
You make me wanna love
You make me wanna fall,
You make me wanna surrender my soul

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Had my guitar class today. My sister is pestering me to test on the curling thing. She is trying to curl my hair. Wait, wrong word. Forcing. She even used her (you know what) tone, and pleaded me. I just kept quiet. It will become straight again very soon! And I am not going out today, so no one is going to see, except for my sister, and my dog. Sigh. Finally, done. Its a little curly now. But I think it will be straight a while later. Oh, back to the guitar lesson. I finally learnt almost all the basic notes, I think? Well, I'm still practicing how to play the grade 1 songs. And I need the guitar tuner. My guitar is out of tune. It doesn't sound right. The strings became loose I guess. Okay, I shall end here. Goodbye people!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stayed back in school today with Chang Ting, Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Yue Ning. I had loads of fun! I kept laughing all the way. Hahaha, can't wait to go to school on Monday!
Sorry for the short post, goodbye!