Monday, September 1, 2014

New season new changes

Ft today's breakfast: super tasty and crunchy Kellogg's strawberry flavoured whole grain cereal which has a really good blend of textures *recommended*

Today has been a totally unproductive day; one which I stayed at home napping and eating and watching animal planet and also daily devotion. While yesterday consisted of rising up at 6:45AM in the morning and going for service and then to Cherie's house for cell group. Talked to Eunice for quite a bit and it was really nice x

Am thinking of finding a part-time job during this sem break of 6-7 weeks because I currently have nothing to do and I need some cash to spend. Will be heading to Daiso at IMM tomorrow before gyming at Club Fit!!! Also thought about giving tuition actually but it's a long-term commitment which I don't think I can handle when school starts because i'll have to juggle between studies, church and tuition so it's a no from me *Simon Cowell voice* even though the income is not bad!!! Also thought of Paris Baguette but Eunice said that their management wasn't very good when she worked there so I was like okay, maybe i'll try out F&B next sem breaks.

This new season has brought about many changes which are inevitable but God doesn't change; He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Really glad to be doing my quiet time I think over time i'll spiritually grow more in Him and that's what I want. Unfortunately, Jessene's wedding falls on the same day as Encounter camp so I can't make it for this round but i'll definitely go! Having evangelism cell outing the following week so i'll be meeting Chang Ting this wednesday and hopefully, i'll have the courage to speak of God's words and testify of His faithfulness and His awesome work in my life.

Don't really know what to talk about because it has been so long since i've last blogged but yes, my dad allows me to bring his DSLR out so i'm really excited to be making a video tour kinda thing! Will update soon xxx

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