Friday, September 5, 2014

Exploring Haji Lane and more

Today was rather eventful I guess? Went to 3 places in total. Met Jan at Jurong East and had a simple lunch at Bugis and we talked and missed her a lot because I haven't seen her in 3 weeks!!! Always a joy hanging out with her xxx

Originally planned to get some clothes but we are picky shoppers and in 20 minutes time, we walked out empty-handed but I already had an assumption that we weren't getting anything somehow, just didn't really like the things sold there and I wasn't unhappy that I didn't manage to get anything. Also headed to Haji Lane and Arab Street; wanted to video tape the street art and buildings and everything and I did! The camera was really bulky though but I guess it was worth the hassle bringing it out. Looked and felt like a total tourist. And then we got to Orchard Central to have our much craved churros and coffee frappe!!!! First time trying it and it wasn't that bad, tasted a little similar to 油條. Just chilling and talking are my two favourite things to do when i'm out with friends of course it would be perfect with the addition of food. Food therapy > retail therapy (▰˘◡˘▰)

Personally thought that this graffiti work is kinda creepy plus there were rubbish bins so I only took half her face #artistic
Introducing chicken noodle soup placed on a really deceptive and nice background which is a catalogue - wish my house looked like that. Always down for homecooked food because it just gives me this really warm and fuzzy feeling and it's cost-saving.

Also tried out Byron's cookie cup recipe yesterday and it failed miserably. The cookie dough sunk to the bottom of the cup because I forgot that the dough would expand and I made it too thick!! Plus the cookie is still stuck in the cup. Never gonna bake anything like that again. #once bitten twice shy

Hung out with Chang Ting on Wednesday at West Gate and last time I saw her was like a few months back during our term break! Had lunch at Hot Tomato and ice-cream at Gelato; was generally really nice to see her. Same old same old, nothing has changed much about her. Hope to see her soon though.

Gonna gym tomorrow again but i'm starting to lack the motivation already. Churros + ice-cream + frappe look at all the weight i've gained and not ready to lose. But yeah can't wait for next Wednesday + Friday; will be going to the animal shelter and Sentosa! And also i'm so excited because I just ordered my Cereal magazine issue 7 like 2 days ago and it's not very cheap but it's definitely worth the price knowing how good their quality is and the visual hook it has. Plus today I commented on Rich Stapleton's instagram picture and he replied me and even liked one of my photos I got so happy because of that. Yeah I get cheery easily, same goes the opposite. Till next time x

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