Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boy's 6th birthday

I guess I wanna do this every post where I upload a picture of a dish/drink i've made. Can be however simple. For today's it's toasted multigrain sandwiches and mango + kiwi ice-blended.

Hello today was a really fruitful day where I got to spend 2+ hours of my monotonous boring old afternoon with Wei Ling and Janelle at Little Part One cafe located in a hidden spot of Ang Mo Kio (which took me so long to travel) didn't know it was at Thomson Plaza area, could've taken 52. Anyway it was a really nice session where we got to talk to Wei Ling about her encounters with God through her testimony and she answered our quirky and also profound questions we had relating to Christ and cell group etc. Learnt a lot from it and i'm really thankful to have her as our cell leader. She also revealed to us her age and I had to take quite some time for it to finally sink in (it was quite shocking) but then it made sense because she looked really young. She also gave us secondhand Christian books, the one i'm currently holding onto is titled Walking With God. Hoping this season would bring about significant spiritual growth and health; and I would emulate a more godly behaviour and lifestyle that Wei Ling possesses.

Forgot to mention that we were also half an hour late and I felt bad considering the fact that I reached Ang Mo Kio 10 minutes later than I should.

Friday was spent with Jan at Sentosa. Watched The Maze Runner featuring the really stunning Dylan O'Brien and cute-looking Ki Hong Lee (✿◠‿◠) was kinda good in my opinion although it resembles so much like The Hunger Games and Divergent.

Also got to video tape Siloso beach and other places. And after much effort (having to carry around the heavy camera) i've finally compiled all the shots and edited them and also added a cute upbeat ukulele song to it. Ta da!!!!!! Presenting to you a 1:56 minute YouTube video i've made even though the first half of it was shaky.

Had sandwiches, sushi and doritos by the beach and Jan was really nice to walk to Macs to help me buy a cup of refreshing iced milo because I was really thirsty and lazy. Thank you if you're reading this!!!

Wanted to talk about this in a separate post but i've not much to say: went to Animal Lovers League with Jan on Wednesday to volunteer. Walked in and all the dogs surrounded us *so loved* but at the same time I was kinda afraid because they were initially barking but it subsided after a while. Was planning to act like Cesar Milan no. 2 but I failed because I was already struggling to handle 2 big dogs at once (much bigger than Boy, I can assure you) they had such great strength and yeap, was glad to be able to spread some love and affection to them knowing that they are being kept there for probably their whole lives.

Talking about dogs, Boy's birthday was on Friday and I got him this cute little cake from Pet Safari in Vivo. He really liked it (duh, he loves all food except for tomatoes) So there, happy 6th birthday Boy!!!!!!!!!! You've been such a great blessing to our family, this additional joy you've brought us is beyond what I can even describe because my english sucks and my love for you will forever be eternal and everlasting. Love how you greet me with squeaky barks and a wiggly bum and a mad dash to the door whenever I come home like as if you haven't seen me in months. And how I can cuddle with you during cold and rainy days to steal your warmth. Love you even though you've done many unforgivable things but also because you don't mind what I say to you and how I don't bring you for frequent walks but you still adore me and treat me the same xxx

Tomorrow will be spent with my cell group at church and bonding time at PlayNation so goodbye because it's late x

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