Saturday, March 29, 2014

Movie marathon

This week has gone by quite fast (although it's only Saturday) and i'll be having my freshmen orientation camp next Monday to Wednesday so I'll make a quick update of what i've been doing for the past week.

I've officially resigned from work on Wednesday!!!! These past 3 months at Red Cross was definitely an experience, although it wasn't the most interesting job I must say (my job scope = photocopying cheques, data entry, issuing tax and non-tax exemption receipts and other miscellaneous things) but most of my colleagues were pretty nice and amiable. And i'm really thankful for that.

As for yesterday, I met Si Rui early to return to Queensway to collect our graduation certificates and then we had a "movie marathon" (if you call 2 movies as one) at The Cathay. Divergent was really engaging and entertaining while Captain America was alright, movie plot was rather predictable. Anticipating for The Fault In Our Stars, The Amazing Spiderman and Noah #scripturereferences!!!!

Had Astons for lunch and then we had a Zeogen event at FCBC relating to the upcoming TGIF event. And guess what! Some people from FCBC are also in business school (aka my camp facilitator, Daniel). And I'm currently having the worst school jitters and nothing seems to help. I've been really unproductive lately, haven't been exercising for the past few weeks but i'll just try after my camp ends and see how it goes.

Gonna be packing for my camp, will be updating in a week's time!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March updates

Had a busy week, mostly occupied with work, school and church as usual. Went to school to get my very first notebook on Friday. Was so glad that I could use Apple because I'm an avid fan and non-mac notebooks are recommended for business courses probably due to certain software that Apple lacks? Anyway the SP staff said it was fine which totally made my day (3 years to be exact)

And if you know me well enough, I'm actually obsessed with handwritten letters; be it receiving or sending them. I thought of spreading the gospel by sending my followers on Tumblr who willingly messaged me their addresses a short note with a bible verse written on it. Was inspired by Lisa who mailed me a letter which contained a motivational quote (if you remember)


(Combined) cell group and church was great today! Will be attending Zeogen's congregational meeting this friday and gonna be having a movie marathon. Feels weird because I'm only left with 3 days of work and that's it. Don't know what to feel because I'll have about 2-3 weeks of spare time and school will start so soon. Don't feel like I'm ready but it's not like I'm given a choice.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend update

My weekend consists of writing a short fiction (which isn't completed) for approximately 3 hours. That shows how much spare time I have #pleasedontjudge and making brunch which is actually breakfast food, orange juice and mango ice-blended. Gonna experiment with more juices and smoothies recipes! 

Went for cell group and service and sermon today was led by pastor Lawrence Khong. And Shaun, Jun Yi and Elijah are going to Korea together in April, reminds me of how badly I want to travel overseas with friends probably after poly! #cantwait Nothing much going on this week actually. Gonna get ready for 5 consecutive days of work which I'm not exactly looking forward to. 

Time to rewatch Monsters University!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Short fiction

Click to enlarge 

So I basically spent my Saturday afternoon writing this (nothing serious, just something I made up) while listening to Megan Nicole's covers sorry I don't have a wide range of vocabulary so that's that. I actually made a short fiction a few years back but it was unfinished because I didn't think through the story plot. Let me know what you think of it x

Monday, March 10, 2014

First cell outing

Shall blog since I'm in a pretty good mood though I'm having a little bit of gastric pain. Listening to worship songs and it really calms me haha brings back Pei Hwa singspiration memories. Really blessed to have been enrolled into a Christian primary school which nurtured my spiritual foundation.

Went for service today at 9AM thankfully Si Rui and I were just on time and weren't locked out! Walked around Vivocity for a bit then headed to Clarke Quay for our cell outing and had trouble finding our way to Settlers Cafe. It's actually a board game-themed cafe kinda cool place to hang out I guess. Apparently I think I've really slow reflexes and I was like "what is going on" but no worries, the staff was really patient and nice and he coached us on how to play etc.

And then we went to Westgate to have our late lunch at Breadtalk cafe food was surprisingly good but a little pricey I think I'm just too poor to afford anything to be honest.

As for Saturday, I spent some time alone which was really good because I've been caught up with work and church every other day.

I'm starting to develop an interest in cooking and photography though I'm clearly an amateur but I'll commit time trying and perfecting recipes once I've resigned from my part-time job later this March. So stoked~

Going for a dental appointment at Jurong polyclinic tomorrow morning for scaling and polishing before getting my x-ray done in April. That's it really, goodnight!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today as I was scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard, I chanced upon a really heartbreaking post and it almost made me cry while reading through more. I rather leave her name unknown for privacy reasons but I admire her strength and courage to keep living because her best friend died and she keeps a tag dedicated to her and she would occasionally write entries about her. The thought of losing someone so close haunts me and I don't think I would be able to continue living normally because my world would just be shattered and everything else in life would just seem so minor. Truth is you know exactly what you had, you just never thought you would lose it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pet Expo 2014

Had an early start to my day - reached Jurong Medical Centre at around 8:10AM for my medical check-up which is mandatory for all Poly students and it was actually kinda last minute since 2nd March is my dateline and the clinics are closed on Sundays haha um let's just put the blame on my tight schedule because of work. But I'm glad that I've gotten it over and done with and thanks Si Rui for accompanying me!

Went for Pet Expo 2014, basically an event organised for pet owners which provides seminars and workshops and they had many booths where pet food and necessities were sold and this saleslady approached us asking if we needed any pet insurance while all I could think of was "can I go now" like clearly I'm a student why would I be carrying so much cash around?

Anyway I generally enjoyed myself, not a very productive day but let me tell you the dogs were so irresistibly cute (I think I repeated that the whole day couldn't help myself) #obsessivedoglover

Cats for adoption!
Then we headed to Changi Airport since it was just a stop away. Don't ask me why.

Was dog-tired on my way home #nopunintended

Finally resumed my exercise routine again haha I've been so lazy and made excuses not to go jog but it's all good (for now). Gonna sleep, church tomorrow! Goodnight x