Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ukulele time

Guess what I've been doing today. I met up with Si Rui to buy a ukulele and had lunch. Went over to my house after that. I taught her I'm Yours by Jason Mraz because the chords are pretty simple. And yeap we were practicing - how to strum etc. So let's hope she makes good progress after her trip to HK. :-) (Lol I sound like some music instructor.)

Okay, just a little bit.

Yup the small one is mine of course, and the one at the right is newly bought - Si Rui's. :-)

Anyway, since I'm always lazying around and wasting my time, I've decided to stop and make some plans for December.
  1. Use my handphone only when necessary.
  2. Stop sleeping so late and wake up on time.
  3. Do some homework and Sec 3 work everyday. (Hmmmm)
  4. Bring Boy out more often.
Yea that's what I have in mind. I hope I will stick to that. So that's all. It's a short post but I like things short and simple. :-) Will update soon (maybe).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Baking day


So I've always wanted to bake deserts or anything sweet during the holidays, and I did!

So I searched for some recipes and it was actually hard to find because they don't really provide any mini apple crumble tart recipes. More of pies. So I mixed 2 recipes and added the another recipe for the tart base or whatever you call that. So yeap, that's how the first badge (and my very first try, along with my dad) looks like!

Didn't really go out this week but was really bored. Even got sick, but i'm much better now.

So here's the weekly X Factor news. (A little late but it still counts!)

My favourite contestant, Beatrice got eliminated. I was really disappointed because I really like her personality and her looks and almost everything about her. She's really likeable and a lovely sister. It's so sweet. The Thanksgiving performances were dedicated to their special someone. They were so heartfelt and I literally had goosebumps and cried along. And Diamond's performance was phenomenal, really. Carly's was great as usual. And that's all.

So tune in for more updates, which I'm sure to post because I'm really so bored at home.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


So I've been really indecisive with my blog URLs, emails (no it's still the same), and Twitter username, but whatever. It's like a username which you think it's creative suddenly pops up in your mind and you think, "hey that's a pretty good idea", but really, it isn't. So I've returned with my same old username - sheryl13. I feel a little like a copycat, because I used to like Taylor Swift a lot and I like her favourite number as well, 13. And yep, that's how I came up with my email, my tumblr URL, and blogger URL.

The thing is: I don't think that copying others is a big deal. But it gets on your nerves if someone just copies off your idea without your permission repeatedly. Like copying once or twice, or thrice is alright. I mean it's normal that friends have the same taste in music, clothes etc.

But now?


I hate it when people wear certain clothes just because it's the hype. Seriously? There used to be a skinny jeans fad, wearing oversized sunglasses, and crocs, the trending shoes. Yes, crocs are really comfortable and convenient, but they tend to look a little hideous. No offence, really. The dark coloured ones look fine, but not the super bright coloured ones.

It's not only about fashion trends, it involves music artists as well. I wonder if the "fans" truly like their music, or it's because the music group is currently trending right now. Liking them because you want to fit in to a particular group? Or do you really appreciate their music? Like do you even understand what they are singing?

I'm just saying that everyone should just dress up or do things as what they truly like, not because it's trending right now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Delightful Tuesday

I'm here with another update! Woke up early today, (yes I consider 9 pretty early and I should probably kick this bad habit of sleeping so late) and went to the library with Si Rui to get some homework done. It wasn't really that bad, just that I kept getting distracted by this game that I just downloaded yesterday which is pretty lame but cute.

My very own Ponyville!

Had lunch, walked around the mall and chatted a bit. And then we finally got to watch Pitch Perfect! It's something like Glee, but it's really aca-humorous. No really, it's very entertaining and funny, and great esp if you like music! :-)

These are some random pictures taken today.

Yes I look really unglam but it's okay (whatever). 

Brought Boy for grooming yesterday (finally!!!). Look how obedient he is.

Bought Boy an early Christmas gift! He loves it. When he knew it was his, he kept jumping around and he doesn't want to give me his toy. So annoying.

So this is just a short post. I'm having a headache right now. Goodbye

Stripes today.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Had my Chemistry retest on Friday. It was easier than the EOY's, but I don't have enough confidence that I'll get an A or a B. Okay, truth is I've always been doing really badly for Science, it's just not my forte. It seems very complexed. Anyway I shall make the effort to improve my Chemistry and Physics during this holiday.

Well, I was being really careless and stupid. Si Rui and I decided on watching Pitch Perfect at Jcube, the movie tickets were sold out by the time it has started. So we went to Jurong Point, but Golden Village in JP doesn't show Pitch Perfect. Okay, I was probably having illusions or my eyes were playing tricks on me. I don't know how I saw Son Of Sardar as Pitch Perfect. Please don't criticize me haha oh my gosh. 

Headed to Lucky Dessert after lunch, which specializes in HK desserts. I guess the shop just opened, and the workers were not there yet. So we stood outside the shop, waiting to be seated. And the waiter was like standing inside the shop, without saying a word or anything. So we continued waiting. Oh my gosh it was so awkward. And then he finally asked whether we wanted to sit. Obviously we wanted a seat, how can we possibly stand while eating dessert? We ordered some mango dessert, but it was unavailable, so we walked out of the shop and went to Starbucks! It was my first time ordering my own cup of Starbucks coffee/latte. I ordered the toffee nut latte. I think it's a new type of latte they're promoting.

It tasted a bit bitter. But oh well.

And then Artbox! My favourite stationery shop. :-) 

Look at the balloons they displayed at the front of the shop.  

I ended up getting this notebook, because I wanted to write my family meal recipes. It sounds a bit silly and old-fashioned but hey, I really want to know how to cook more than a bowl of maggie noodles. 

And I'll be updating you with more X Factor news! 

Jennel Garcia ♥

So Jennel Garcia and Lyric 145 got eliminated this week. And I'm really unsatisfied with the results. Why didn't America voted more for Jennel when she's so talented and appealing on stage (okay I'm referring to her first 2 auditions, not her live shows)? I think Arin should've gotten sent home instead. Just so disappointed because Jennel is one of my favourite acts and she deserves to be on the show. And I'm quite sure that either Tate or Carly will win the X Factor. And guess what, I think I've been watching too much X Factor lately that I even dreamt of Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony! So odd.

I'll miss you, Jennel. :-(

So that's all. I'll be baking mini apple crumble tarts tomorrow with my dad! :-)


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Picnic at the beach

I haven't been productive lately. Possibly because it's the holidays right now, but I've to return to school for one more week for Step Up Programme. Feeling dreadful as ever. But not till the extend where I actually stay at home behind the computer screen all day.

Guess where I went on Friday? (I didn't play truant, haha. There was AYE for selected pupils and there wasn't school for the rest.)


First thing Si Rui and I did when we reached there - buy Skyline and Luge tickets!

It was $20 for a package of 3 rounds of skyline and luge each. It was my first time trying this activity. I have a fear of heights, so I ended up squeezing Si Rui's hand on the skyline. It was pretty high up, but it was a short "ride", and there wasn't really any scenic view of Sentosa, just trees and more trees. The luge was a go-cart action ride, and it was much better than the skyline. And Si Rui's cart kept screeching on the last round. 

We then headed to Siloso beach for our picnic. We were lucky that it didn't rain, the weather was a little warm, but breezy too - that's cos' we found shade under the palm trees. 

Aw my mum specially woke up to help me with the grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. ♥
Okay, it looks pathetic but we were full!

We just sat on the picnic mat, and talked a bit, ate, and dipped our feet in the cool water. Ah, the simple pleasures of life. :-)

And I woke up at 5:10 A.M. today for Project Happy Feet. It's a non-profit organisation which helps underprivileged students in Singapore, Cambodia etc. :-) Best way to start off the day - I was late for almost half an hour! Actually I wouldn't be if I hadn't overslept on the bus. Missed around 6-7 bus-stops (I have never been so careless) and waited for the bus to go to school. A few more people were late, including Si Rui. Phew, Mr Ho was still there. 
On the way to East Coast Park. 
Happy Feet participant 7752
We had to pay $35 to participate and wear slippers for this "race" and walk 4 km to understand how it's like to walk a long distance without proper footwear everyday to school. It was like literally walking in their shoes. And I'm glad that we participated because I'm sure the needy people really do benefit from this organisation. :-)

Beautiful scenery while we were walking.
Many people turned up for this event. And they gave free helium balloons! Yay
Tied the string to Boy's arm, he looks so cute. He kept staring at the balloon lol.
Boy on a picnic mat.
Tried the new KFC rice. It was just pieces of deep-fried chicken with rice and mushroom sauce. But it was tasty. :-D I guess that's all for now. And I wanna share with you this super nice snack (my vocab sucks) which I'm in love with.

It's a crunchy almond snack - Nougat from Australia
I've also been watching all of X Factor's episodes and I was really disappointed with the judges' decisions. I thought Diamond White should have stayed, and David Correy would be a possible winner but LA sent him home. To make things worse, Demi changed the young adults' styles so much. I was really upset with Jennel Garcia's new look and song choice. I miss her curly hair, and her hair flipping and being confident and so appealing on stage. Where did that go? And Paige Thomas looked absolutely ridiculous with the spiked hairpiece. It looked like a sea urchin to me hahaha - such a distraction. Why is Demi focusing so much on their appearances when it's the true talent that counts? I think Simon Cowell is the best judge and mentor because of his many years of experience while Demi just got popular recently and she is only 20! I know age doesn't matter but she doesn't seem professional. The way she flirts with Emblem 3, lol. Why can't people see that they appear cocky and the fact that they talked bad about another contestant during the auditions really bothers me. Unsatisfied with X factor.

Okay, I'm done with my rant. Goodbye.