Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hi, it's a Saturday and I'm feeling great! Okay maybe not so great. Had my new Chinese tuition at Tian Di this morning (I don't have a choice.) There was supposed to be Guides today, farewell graduation party but I can't come, my mum doesn't want me to miss the first lesson for my tuition. Oh well. Haha the teacher still remembers me! But I can hardly recognise her. She seems a bit familiar though. She told me that she taught me when I was in Primary 4.

My sister's at some flea, she can't sell off her items. Mmm anyway, I watched Tiger Man on National Geographic. It's so cool, this guy takes footage of tigers and observe their behavior etc. It's an amazing show. The tigers are so pretty and they are getting rare. This might be a bit random but I really want to show you how cool and amazing they look!

Aww they look so adorable! I've also signed up for the Maths tutoring for Primary School kids. Yay Vanessa and Si Rui are coming. And Leong Wei Ling too. Haha. Alright I think that's all. Will keep you updated. By the way, I guess school was fine. I still hate DNT. 

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