Saturday, June 25, 2011

Frustrating homework.

Hello, I'm really trying to finish my work. I've been delaying this Chinese homework for 3 weeks! I've settled with this TV program, C.L.I.F. I'm supposed to write an email about an educational Chinese TV show. But I really don't know what to write about! I'll think about it. Anyway, I went for Bible Study with Chia Lynn and Grace yesterday. I was told by Chia Lynn at the last minute to meet at Bukit Batok MRT. Lol it was supposed to be at Clementi. She thought I didn't know how to go to the coffee shop that is just one stop away from my house.

Christa is nice haha. Yea then went to Grace's place for a swim. Played Monopoly and some silly games like freeze and melt at the playground. Lol on Thursday we went to Clementi Mall with Cheyenne. When I boarded the MRT, one of my slippers broke! So I had to get a new one in the mall. I got a flip flop with purple floral prints from Mimosa. And I had to walk bare footed, people were staring at me. I didn't do anything wrong lol. Also went to West Coast Park and we rode on the go kart. There was a $2 promotion. We took the double rider which cost $16 for only half an hour around the park. Grace was like "why is it so expensive?" She said it directly to the guys in charge of the go karts. He told us that they are made from Europe and it cost about 2 thousand dollars. And he said if they got it from China, it will break down when you're riding halfway. That's just racist. When he's a Chinese. I tried it first and I sat with Chia Lynn haha!

This is how the go kart looks like.

My hair was really messy. I love the breeze!

Walked back to the bus-stop so we could get back to Clementi Mall. We missed the bus so we had to wait and it was really hot and I was really thirsty. Okay I'm going to get back on my Chinese homework! Goodbye!

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