Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'll never get tired of you.

The number of followers that I have on Tumblr finally increased. By 8. Went for guitar today and I finally got the chords right! I've been on Tumblr and Facebook all day. I'm still going to finish my work by today, I hope. I can't wait to go back to Hong Kong during June. Haven't booked the tickets yet, but I assume we are going back during that period.
 I'm really bored. My swimming test is going to be on the end of March. I have to pass. I'm already 14. And the rest of the people taking the test should be like 5? 6? 7? I assume. All younger than me. Who cares. I'd like to write a short novel, a story. But my English isn't good, so how am I gonna do that. 
7. What was on your last shopping list?
I honestly don't have a shopping list. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that right? I want pretty clothes, bags, shoes, accessories. But not too many of them. I'm not a shopaholic.

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