Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Don't look for heroes, be one!" Tony Robins

I'm updating right now! At 12:12 A.M. on 13/03/2012. I didn't go for my CCA yesterday. I felt tired etc, and I had mc, so I went home. I'm almost done with my Maths homework. I want to finish my assignments by this week. Which I think is slightly impossible. I just don't want to leave it to the last minute again. And I can finally say that I'm not addicted to Maple. It's really boring. Yeah so I'm blogging because I feel bored. Watched the news and read the papers, "Earthquake and tsunami hits Japan", the world is like in a mess. Japan, be safe.

Feeling tired already. And I am having guitar at 1. Maybe swimming at my aunt's place tomorrow. And meeting my dearest Chia Lynn, Cheyenne and Grace on Wednesday! I miss you guys. The only song sung by Lady Gaga that I liked is: Born This Way. I'm not going to slack this holidays. Must make use of this time to study, watch movies, and hang out with my loved ones.

4. Words you live by. Why do you like them?
Life goes on.
It's true that no matter what happens in life, you still got to keep moving on right? So why not accept the fact even if you like or dislike it and just carry on? Time wouldn't stop.

5. Write a letter to someone you've never met.
Okay I've no idea who I have in mind. But hello. I'm just doing a challenge. Nothing much. Do you like Tumblr? I think I'm addicted to it. Not really, but a little bit. I'm still schooling. And I really love my dog. I love roses, they are really pretty. And I love God! I hope you are a Christian.

6. Write a letter to the person you're closest to.
I suppose the person I'm closest to is my parent. Parents. I love you so much and I want to thank you for all that you have done. You mean so much to me. I know I don't say "I love you" often but you know that I do love you right.

I know I'm random. Goodnight!

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