Saturday, February 19, 2011

“Be yourself - everyone else is taken.”

I want this, but an iPhone is still better.

I'm in a good mood today. I always hate to go for swimming but today's lesson is okay. Mainly, it's because my swimming sucks. Had cross country on Friday. Got top 50 and Si Rui got it too. I was breathless and my face was red. Plus some students or prefects were standing in certain spots to record all the students that were running. I think I looked very unglam, especially under the hot weather and I was sweaty.

Guess what! I studied from 10 P.M. all the way to 1 yesterday! I know it's unhealthy to stay up late but this is studying and homework. Had swimming and Chinese tuition today. My tutor gave us this IQ test in Chinese. Chinese. If it was in English, I think I could've done better. Maths was included too. So much homework this weekend. Got to finish by today because common tests are nearing. Next next week I suppose. Had English and Maths test this week and I really hope I can score an A. Please! Must. Study. Harder. For. Common. Tests.

Went to Sakae Sushi right after cross country with Si Rui and Vanessa at West Mall, it's the nearest place. I ordered the wrong dish. Kani sushi. I hated it. Anyway, they calculated wrongly hahaha. Si Rui was like obsessed with the turtle soft toy in Comics Connection. Vanessa and I bought a pen made from Korea and it's something like a gift. From each other, weird right. Did I mention that my muscles are aching very badly? Well it got better already. I had drills on Wednesday. So yeah my whole leg ached after that day. Gonna end my post with this question from some challenge.

3. Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?
It actually depends on what situation. I think, maybe, a white lie is okay. But lies aren't good. It's always best to tell the truth.

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