Friday, February 25, 2011

There's something sweet.

Just returned from school and I had a good day. I've to study really hard till next Friday, common tests. Today was so funny, when Si Rui and I were waiting for bus 961, she and I flagged the wrong bus, and it was really awkward. So the bus driver stopped and stared and us with the annoyed expression, and he sort of laughed. Okay my eyesight is bad, I know. Played the "scoop" game. Got back my English test results. And had my Chinese test. Ending here. Cheyenne, tell me when we can meet up! My tests ends on Friday next week. Bye!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

“Be yourself - everyone else is taken.”

I want this, but an iPhone is still better.

I'm in a good mood today. I always hate to go for swimming but today's lesson is okay. Mainly, it's because my swimming sucks. Had cross country on Friday. Got top 50 and Si Rui got it too. I was breathless and my face was red. Plus some students or prefects were standing in certain spots to record all the students that were running. I think I looked very unglam, especially under the hot weather and I was sweaty.

Guess what! I studied from 10 P.M. all the way to 1 yesterday! I know it's unhealthy to stay up late but this is studying and homework. Had swimming and Chinese tuition today. My tutor gave us this IQ test in Chinese. Chinese. If it was in English, I think I could've done better. Maths was included too. So much homework this weekend. Got to finish by today because common tests are nearing. Next next week I suppose. Had English and Maths test this week and I really hope I can score an A. Please! Must. Study. Harder. For. Common. Tests.

Went to Sakae Sushi right after cross country with Si Rui and Vanessa at West Mall, it's the nearest place. I ordered the wrong dish. Kani sushi. I hated it. Anyway, they calculated wrongly hahaha. Si Rui was like obsessed with the turtle soft toy in Comics Connection. Vanessa and I bought a pen made from Korea and it's something like a gift. From each other, weird right. Did I mention that my muscles are aching very badly? Well it got better already. I had drills on Wednesday. So yeah my whole leg ached after that day. Gonna end my post with this question from some challenge.

3. Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?
It actually depends on what situation. I think, maybe, a white lie is okay. But lies aren't good. It's always best to tell the truth.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Taylor Alison Swift

Had Guides today and I'm tumblr-ing right now, still in my PE attire. Practiced "fancy drills". Not to mention, Sezari Sezali came to our school today. People asked for his autograph when he was gonna leave. If it was Taylor Swift, I'd scream at the top of my lungs. Okay too much information. Went to the library before Guides and helped Vanessa borrow a book: What if my dreams come true. I borrowed these books called, "Forget you" and "Pants on fire". Seems interesting! Yes I admit they're both romance related. I love romance novels. A. Lot. Just like Vanessa. I love books published by Simon Pulse. I'm so glad it's Friday and I can rest. When I wake up in the morning, starting from Wednesday to Friday, I feel super tired and I always doze off in the bus. It's so embarrassing sometimes! When your head moves back and forth. And sometimes you accidentally knock onto the window. Which happened to me before of course, lol. And also, when you're still in your sleep and people have to tap your shoulder just to get off the bus. Okay enough of this.

An apology to Jia Qi and Sherlyn for canceling off the order of the jacket. Sorry. It's sort of expensive and I had no idea what quote to put. Vanessa text me, saying that the guy that she tutored was annoying. I hope my student isn't. Really hope so. Can't stand those kind of students. And when I was at the library, Si Rui and I were in the quiet reading place/room and 2 Queenstown Primary boys came. And he was like, "you know one guy got highest in class for Maths! 9/10!" "We've to go at 3.30. Left 45 minutes." I was like, "same here". I whispered to Si Rui. And he continued, "I don't know how to do this question. The area of..." Okay I forgot what he said, he looks like he's P3 or P4. And he's using vulgarities. Seriously, what's with those kids or teenagers now a days? Vulgarities isn't cool. I find people who use it often a little bit uncivilized. It just leaves a bad impression on yourself.

2. List ten people you would die for.
Hmm. This question. I think my parents, sister, other family members and if my dog's included, of course! My loved ones. And my friends. I don't want to die so early. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Anyone wants a hug voucher?

I'm a terrible blogger, or anything related to IT. So I'm just going to post my 30 day challenge here. I've no idea how to put it on my blog's template. Haha, because I'm using this classic template and not the other type. 

Get-to-know-closer 30days challenge. 
1. Why are you doing this challenge? 
2. List ten people who you would die for. 
3. Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not? 
4. Words you live by. Why do you like them? 
5. Write a letter to someone you’ve never met. 
6. Write a letter to the person you’re closest to. 
7. What was on your last shopping list? 
8. If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why? 
9. How do you feel about yourself? 
10. How do you react if the person next to you is crying? 
11. You’re locked in a big closet with 3 people, who are they, how did you get locked in the closet, and what are you doing? 
12. Choose a song that sums up the year you’ve been having so far. 
13. If you ever ended up in jail, what crime would you have most likely committed? 
14. Your life story in three words. 
15. A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you. What were your feelings and thoughts through out each. Have your feelings and thoughts changed? 
16. What is your biggest fear right now? 
17. Your favorite childhood memory. 
18. If you were going to have 10 kids, 5 girls, 5 boys, what would their names be? (first or full names) 
19. Have you ever ran away? If not, would you? 
20. If you could have a world of your own, what would it be like? Who would be there? What would you do there? 
21. Something you’re ashamed of. 
22. Something you’re proud of. 
23. What is your passion? How did it become so? 
24. Tell us about the first time you fell in love. 
25. Are you a rebel or do you like going with the flow? Why? 
26. A time when you hurt someone’s feelings but don’t regret it. 
27. List 5 things you want to do in your life. 
28. Your most prized possesion and why.
29. A place where you feel most comfortable. A person you feel most comfortable with. 
30. Who are you? When are you you? When are you not you? 

I had Art today, and some other lessons. Colored my floral elephant hahaha. I'm so jealous, and sad too. I want to go to Taylor Swift's concert. Nothing much in this post. And also, I'm really happy, there's no swimming and guitar this week! My grandma's 80th birthday celebration this Sunday. And my swimming coach isn't feeling well, so yes, no lessons. But there's tuition. Good enough. Here are some cute lines I found from Tumblr
One of the lucky days when there's lots of things in the refrigerator.
The great last bite of an ice-cream cone, mooshy, and crunchy.
When you're home alone, you can do whatever you want.
How good water tastes when you're thirsty for a long time.
That moment when you overcome your fears, and having the best time of your life.

1. I'm just feeling bored. So yeah, I got this from Cheyenne. 


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm finally updating. Okay so I got Taylor Swift's Speak Now album! Thanks Valerie Pattinson! I love you hahaha. I am getting this instrument called ukelele or ukulele. It's really cool! You can play songs like I'm yours, Love story, and more awesome songs. My tumblr is currently dead. I'm gonna print out my time table. And I gave Nicole my maple account so she can train the one in Delphinus. So yes nothing much. Oh and Chia Lynn! Clarence Chew accepted my friend request.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy new year and happy birthday to myself.

I'm feeling really tired, well sort of. Anyway, happy chinese new year! Had buffet at a Japanese restaurant in Orchard. Didn't really eat a lot, no appetite. Happy birthday to myself whee! Had lots of fried stuff, prawn, jellyfish, ice-cream, iced lemon tea etc. Went to my cousin's place after that. My cousin has this cool instrument called ukelele. It's something like a smaller version of a guitar, with only 4 strings. I picked up quite fast! Not bad. Haha I want that but it's like a 100 bucks. I know how to play I'm yours by Jason Mraz. Watched My name is Sam, something like that. It's touching. Guess what, I haven't bathe. 1 more minute till 4 of February. I guess this is all i'm gonna post. Happy new year!