Saturday, January 9, 2010

the angel and the mortal

Hey there. I just came back not long ago. My legs are still aching, and I'm feeling really tired. No one is online! So I got nobody to talk to. My aunt and my cousin are coming later. Oh Boy better not bark. And I went to MacDonalds in the morning to have breakfast. Brought Boy along. We sat at the table outside Macs. Boy looked hungry though he already had his breakfast. Okay he always does. I mean doesn't he ever get full? Walked home. Did some homework, and then to Bukit Batok Swimming Complex. Yeah nothing much today. Oh by the way, my teacher wants us to play this game called: The angel and the mortal. We haven't started but we will. Everyone will get to pick a name. You just pick a piece of paper in the plastic bag and that person is your mortal. You're his angel. Everyone has an envelope and the envelopes are stapled on the notice board with your name on it. The angel has to write letters and put it into the mortal's envelope. And the angel can only tell the mortal who he or she is a month later. I hope I pick a girl's name! Hahaha. I think I'm going to get a haircut later. Goodbye! Love.

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