Sunday, January 17, 2010

CCA exhibition

I have absolutely no idea how to do the history homework. At least its only due on thursday. And I still have to make a chinese lantern. Oh wth. Like every other year in Primary School. I should just make a lantern and use it for the rest of the years! Haha. And there's chinese homework, due tomorrow! Its really difficult. I just had my guitar lesson. I totally forgot almost everything! Hahahaha! No lessons for three whole weeks! Oh yeah I had my swimming lesson yesterday, plus the CCA exhibition and meet the parents. It was just some principal talk and some Mr. Ho talk. Haha okay. It was seriously very noisy! All the seniors were like: Join ELDDS! Join girl guides! Join volleyball! Join band! And all the other CCAs that they offer. Maybe I'll be like them two years later. Haha just kidding. Okay bye! I need to do some research for my history homework. Goodbye!

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