Sunday, March 1, 2009

hey people! :)
i went to beverly's house on friday-- to do some social studies project work.
its really unbelievable.
she has a LIFT in her house.
aarghhh. i am so jealous.
hahahaha, i know i shouldn't be blogging now when exams are just tomorrow.
but i HARDLY blog/use the computer.
this year is REALLY such a Busy year.
see, i can even spell it. -.-
i mean i have lots of school work, tuition work, etc.
thats why i'm gonna quit library!
i dont want to if i can choose.
but nevermind laaa.
english exam tomorrow.
hope i can really improve!
maybe aiming for 75 above?
yeah, i guess so.
thats considered a little low if i get 70.
aza aza fighting! sheryl! :D
alright, revision time!

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