Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lizzie McGuire movie

Decided to reward myself by watching The Lizzie McGuire Movie after the most exhausting two weeks of school ever. Had a tub of strawberry Haagen Dazs (only ate some mouthfuls btw) and it was 1-2+AM and right now 4AM, and I didn't regret rewatching it! Though I probably watched it way too many times when I was younger but whatever the case, it brings back a sense of nostalgia. :'-) one of my favourite films because I like how it took place in Rome, Italy and Lizzie was exploring the city and it has this very nice adventurous feel to it. Wish i was in Lizzie's place and could go on a school trip to explore Rome I mean how lucky is that? Or I just wanna go to Europe and explore, that'd be really nice. Now Rome is on my to-go destinations! 

Can't wait till April is here, looking forward to Tokyo and Osaka! :-) my foxes and deers in Zao Village and Nara Park are waiting for me. Till then! x

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