Sunday, January 24, 2016


Have never felt more tired before. Don't know how long I can last to be honest. Because my MICE report is due on Wednesday but technically my group and I have to finish it by Tuesday to submit to Mr Ron and stuff. I've never stayed back in school till 10PM in consecutively 3 days. 2 of which I had a bit of gastric pain because we didn't eat much for dinner. One time I totally skipped dinner till I got home and the other I only ate a waffle. Plus i'm having ear infection now for 2 days already and I finally went to Dr Cheong to get some medicine. It really hurts even when I don't talk/swallow. But thank God it's recovering a bit, on and off.

Today I even had to go to school after seeing the doctor and stayed all the way till 7+PM. Literally had a lot to be done and we should have managed our time better and rushed through it in the holidays but we didn't know there is so much to do and we slowly took our time. Ah, I still have my FMA test that constitutes 20% of my grade that's on Monday and i'm exhausted already but i've to hang on.

Can't wait till next thursday ends so that I can finally get some rest and then i'll be left with SIP and MICE presentation. And then... Exams.

God please sustain me with strength (both mentally and physically) and let me have a speedy recovery and finish this race well!

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