Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lizzie McGuire movie

Decided to reward myself by watching The Lizzie McGuire Movie after the most exhausting two weeks of school ever. Had a tub of strawberry Haagen Dazs (only ate some mouthfuls btw) and it was 1-2+AM and right now 4AM, and I didn't regret rewatching it! Though I probably watched it way too many times when I was younger but whatever the case, it brings back a sense of nostalgia. :'-) one of my favourite films because I like how it took place in Rome, Italy and Lizzie was exploring the city and it has this very nice adventurous feel to it. Wish i was in Lizzie's place and could go on a school trip to explore Rome I mean how lucky is that? Or I just wanna go to Europe and explore, that'd be really nice. Now Rome is on my to-go destinations! 

Can't wait till April is here, looking forward to Tokyo and Osaka! :-) my foxes and deers in Zao Village and Nara Park are waiting for me. Till then! x

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Have never felt more tired before. Don't know how long I can last to be honest. Because my MICE report is due on Wednesday but technically my group and I have to finish it by Tuesday to submit to Mr Ron and stuff. I've never stayed back in school till 10PM in consecutively 3 days. 2 of which I had a bit of gastric pain because we didn't eat much for dinner. One time I totally skipped dinner till I got home and the other I only ate a waffle. Plus i'm having ear infection now for 2 days already and I finally went to Dr Cheong to get some medicine. It really hurts even when I don't talk/swallow. But thank God it's recovering a bit, on and off.

Today I even had to go to school after seeing the doctor and stayed all the way till 7+PM. Literally had a lot to be done and we should have managed our time better and rushed through it in the holidays but we didn't know there is so much to do and we slowly took our time. Ah, I still have my FMA test that constitutes 20% of my grade that's on Monday and i'm exhausted already but i've to hang on.

Can't wait till next thursday ends so that I can finally get some rest and then i'll be left with SIP and MICE presentation. And then... Exams.

God please sustain me with strength (both mentally and physically) and let me have a speedy recovery and finish this race well!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Featuring my mandatory annual New Year fireworks! :-)

Happy New Year! I'm 10 days late, aren't I? Yeap, i've been piled with project work even though it's e-learning week but I had to return to school from Monday to Thursday just to get things done. This holiday isn't even enjoyable, it's exhausting. School has been draining and the thing is it's about to start again. I don't like whining and complaining about things, but i'll just stop here. On a brighter note, (a really bright one), I'LL BE FINALLY GOING OVERSEAS DURING MY NEXT SEM BREAK! Am genuinely super excited and very happy because I haven't travelled in such a long time (excluding school trips

I believe that 2016 will be a year of new beginnings for me. I think it's time for me to recommit myself to God, even despite certain restrictions. And I know that when we are faithful to Him, and we are earnest in seeking God, He will bless us with joy, peace, and even grant you desires of your heart. 

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Praying that there will be great things in store for me this year. Trusting in You Lord x