Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sem 1 term break

Letter-writing ♡

Finally watched the long awaited movie — The Fault In Our Stars today!!!!!!!!!! Can't put into words how excited I felt because I was anticipating for it to be out ever since i've read the book and it was probably the first book that brought me to tears and that's what made it special. The movie was amazing because Shailene and Ansel truly delivered and the chemistry between them was palpable, it was just incredibly heartfelt and a "sick" love story and I still can't get over it. P.S: I thought part of my archwire broke while I was eating popcorn and I got so scared OMG but thank goodness it was a false alarm

Yesterday was entirely spent with my parents because my sister is away in Korea at the moment and I had buffet at Pan Pacific Orchard and the food was delectable and the highlight was basically the durian crepes I had; it was super heavenly and yeah i'm totally craving for that now. Visited my relatives after that and saw Jerric and watched some World Cup.

Went for DTRM retreat last Tuesday and I was in group Hawkeye, the theme of it was superheroes hence the group name. Thankfully Rachel was in my group and yeah we had the same introductory games and amazing race but I had to leave at 4 for cycling FOP which was held at East Coast Park. Anyway Amelia and Wei Jie and other DTRM seniors were quite friendly and i'm glad to have them as my group leaders. Cycling was alright but rather tiring because I slept at 2AM the other day because of a concert and woke up early and we cycled in the rain and I had mosquito bites because I basically stayed at the shelter from 2 to 6AM.

Went to Holland Village with Si Rui last thursday and we visited Plain Vanilla bakery and their cupcakes were quite tasty!! Had lunch and talked at CBTL and happened to see Qian Yu. It was still early so we went to my place and used Tumblr and took pictures of stuff and sang worship karaoke songs (pretty uneventful I must say but still enjoyable)

Friday the 13th was spent with Chia Lynn, Chang Ting, Cheyenne, Yue Ning and Grace and it was so lovely to see them after what seemed forever!!! Had a buffet at Ssikkek Korean Grill BBQ at Junction 10, pretty affordable although their selection of food isn't great but quality beats quantity. Took polaroids and stuff and left for Si Rui's place, didn't do much to be honest just slacked and yeah I even took a nap OMG

Went to gym recently and I was really confused and a little intimidated because I didn't know how to use half the machines and it was a unisex gym so yeah also didn't know my way there.

Haven't been really doing anything productive to be honest, sometimes I would blast music (okay not really trying to add drama); listen to Gabrielle Aplin's playlist and worship songs and watch some HK drama and use tumblr pretty mundane life I have I know. 

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