Friday, June 27, 2014

LEO camp

"I love the feeling of being anonymous in a city i've never been to before."

LEO camp was quite a blast I must say even though I dreaded to go initially because i've a thing about meeting new people and making friends, not exactly the most outgoing person so I thought it might be quite a challenge. Maybe that's why I pushed myself to sign up for freshmen orientation camps in the first place.

Activities weren't super well-organised and time wasn't optimised but I generally had quite a lot of fun hanging out with my small group of 7, the teletubies!!!! Which includes Daphne, Amirah, Brian, Sanath, Brandon, Jonavan and me! First day consisted of playing games and getting to know one another etc, and we had lunch at school before heading off to Aloha Changi Resort. It was actually a chalet (my first time staying at one!) where we had to share 4 rooms among >70 people but yeah we had like our girl time and chatted and honestly, the people whom i've met were genuine and really down-to-earth. Could really connect with them, no barriers and stuff. Could be partly because people who participate in social services activities are generally more approachable and compassionate.

Had games like human caterpillar (which made my butt cheeks hurt) and amazing race and night walk and we had performances and the other usual stuff. Stayed up till 3AM on the second day because no one was willing to sleep and just talked etc. Couldn't be more thankful to have met these bunch of amazing people like Cherilyn, Daphne, Xenia and my other roomies and group members xxx

Right now i'm suffering from mosquito bites from Changi and my sister will finally be back tonight and yeah random fact of the day: my brace bracket fell out, gotta wait for the next dental appointment to have it fixed!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sem 1 term break

Letter-writing ♡

Finally watched the long awaited movie — The Fault In Our Stars today!!!!!!!!!! Can't put into words how excited I felt because I was anticipating for it to be out ever since i've read the book and it was probably the first book that brought me to tears and that's what made it special. The movie was amazing because Shailene and Ansel truly delivered and the chemistry between them was palpable, it was just incredibly heartfelt and a "sick" love story and I still can't get over it. P.S: I thought part of my archwire broke while I was eating popcorn and I got so scared OMG but thank goodness it was a false alarm

Yesterday was entirely spent with my parents because my sister is away in Korea at the moment and I had buffet at Pan Pacific Orchard and the food was delectable and the highlight was basically the durian crepes I had; it was super heavenly and yeah i'm totally craving for that now. Visited my relatives after that and saw Jerric and watched some World Cup.

Went for DTRM retreat last Tuesday and I was in group Hawkeye, the theme of it was superheroes hence the group name. Thankfully Rachel was in my group and yeah we had the same introductory games and amazing race but I had to leave at 4 for cycling FOP which was held at East Coast Park. Anyway Amelia and Wei Jie and other DTRM seniors were quite friendly and i'm glad to have them as my group leaders. Cycling was alright but rather tiring because I slept at 2AM the other day because of a concert and woke up early and we cycled in the rain and I had mosquito bites because I basically stayed at the shelter from 2 to 6AM.

Went to Holland Village with Si Rui last thursday and we visited Plain Vanilla bakery and their cupcakes were quite tasty!! Had lunch and talked at CBTL and happened to see Qian Yu. It was still early so we went to my place and used Tumblr and took pictures of stuff and sang worship karaoke songs (pretty uneventful I must say but still enjoyable)

Friday the 13th was spent with Chia Lynn, Chang Ting, Cheyenne, Yue Ning and Grace and it was so lovely to see them after what seemed forever!!! Had a buffet at Ssikkek Korean Grill BBQ at Junction 10, pretty affordable although their selection of food isn't great but quality beats quantity. Took polaroids and stuff and left for Si Rui's place, didn't do much to be honest just slacked and yeah I even took a nap OMG

Went to gym recently and I was really confused and a little intimidated because I didn't know how to use half the machines and it was a unisex gym so yeah also didn't know my way there.

Haven't been really doing anything productive to be honest, sometimes I would blast music (okay not really trying to add drama); listen to Gabrielle Aplin's playlist and worship songs and watch some HK drama and use tumblr pretty mundane life I have I know. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

The RED Tour

Went for Taylor Swift's RED Tour on Monday night with my sister and Rina and I must admit that it was absolutely amazing. It was my first concert i've ever been to and they gave out free cornetto ice-cream because the tour was sponsored by that company and yea we basically had to guess the newly-added flavour which was black forest but it was too sweet for my liking but yeah you can't say no to free ice-cream!

The concert was held at Singapore Indoor Stadium and the merchandise were way overpriced! The jersey & tour tees were sold at around 50-55 dollars - which I think is ridiculous. We also had trouble finding our seats because the stadium was flooded with loads of people and they were probably understaffed but I'm super thankful that we were moved down from category 4 to category 3 which gave us a better view.

We schemed to trick Rina saying that we forgot to bring the tickets but we ended up laughing and that obviously gave it away but if that were to happen, it would literally be the end of the world. Anyway, there were opening acts and videos playing on the huge screen and for some reason, it felt forever waiting to get the stage ready for the headliner. And then the moment finally arrived — the background music faded down, all the lights suddenly went out and there was total darkness and anticipation swept across the crowd. -Inserts descriptive adjectives- It felt incredible being surrounded by people who were just as passionate about the music and watching my favourite songs sung live was just surreal and overwhelming. Taylor was so gorgeous and OMG I wish I could relive the experience over again because right now i'm still suffering from #postconcertdepression

Monday, June 9, 2014

End of Term 1

Sorry for being on a hiatus lately, have been occupied with revision and was rushing through reports and project datelines. Term 1 has been rather hectic, not saying that i've been swamped with CCA and other school activities but I felt that the workload was quite overwhelming because there was a lot to handle really, juggling between school, family and personal needs. At one or two points during the past few weeks, my mind started reeling and I simply couldn't get myself together so I had a breakdown (not kidding) I don't know it helped to relieve stress in a way and I just told Emily about it and she was a total sweetheart and reaffirmed me that everything would be okay, so thankful for her.

The MSTs weren't easy at all, I felt like I screwed up my ITB and I knew that I didn't do my best but i'm trying to put things in perspective and just want to thank God that it's finally over.

Finally went to church today after not going for 2-3 weeks oops and it was a really fruitful time because it was my first time going up the church altar and getting prayed for. My sister also performed Part Of Your World by The Little Mermaid and shared her testimony during Pastor RL and LF's congregational meeting x

Went to Jem and Westgate with my sister and hung out at Hans and picked Sohhan's birthday gift and just bought some miscellaneous things on Friday after the MSTs were over #blessedtime

Had skinny pizza at Westgate with Si Rui before that and the portion wasn't filling at all I was still hungry (I don't have such a big appetite mind you) but it was a great catch-up session like usual. Got my AA bag yay planning to watch TFIOS and visit the Plain Vanilla and maybe Lola's Café sometime later during the holidays. Will be going for Taylor Swift's concert tomorrow night, kinda excited but I don't know the lyrics well but it's okay seeing her is satisfying enough. Till next time!! xxx