Friday, May 31, 2013

Sister's birthday celebration 2013

It's 3:19 AM and I'm awake (obviously) and I just bathed. Don't feel tired, really. The reason is because I had a bad headache yesterday night and I slept right after dinner. So yeap I pretty much can't sleep now.

Last day of Chinese intensive and I don't know I'm pretty nervous for the first o levels written paper. And also worried for parents meeting. Sigh #mrsloypleasereturn 

Totally craving for mac and cheese, macs apple pie, s'mores (which I can make right now but I'm lazy to), durian mochi, and home cooked dishes. 

Okay didn't plan to combine 2 posts but shall continue with my sister's birthday celebration. It was simple but I hope she was happy. 

Sister's birthday celebration 2013

Sister's treat to family (yay)

(Even though I hardly say this) but i'm really grateful to have my sister. She's someone whom I can talk to. She makes me feel happier and less lonely. She is also a very strong person I believe. And I hope that she's able to enter NIE yay <3

Very short post but I'm feeling tired. Goodnight/good morning. 

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