Saturday, May 21, 2011

Your smile brightens up my day.

Had McHotcakes for breakfast from Macdonalds. Okay that's obvious. From King Albert Park. Got my sister her birthday cake with my mum. Oreo cheesecake. Really expensive but it looks really good. Went for my tuition just now and yea kinda awkward. My tutor said comforting words like you can work harder etc and the thing is I'm quitting that tuition and moving to another one. My sister's birthday today.

Happy 18th birthday, Valerie!
Noob face. Mmm well thanks for everything. You're an amazing sister! :)

My tutor bought this white iPhone. I saw it from the Apple website already and it looks cool. They have an iPhone 5 coming up this August. I know I've been updating really seldom. I was sort of occupied and just lazy. Not in a mood sometimes. My results were horrible. Some dropped and some improved. I know I can work harder. But sometimes I find it annoying and unfair. Some students don't study and they can pass and maybe get an A. But I can't. Never mind, I'm just gonna let it go and work harder. Just try my best. I'm already improving for English, Literature and History. And Maths, a little but still really bad.

I know my rants are kinda boring that's why nobody is visiting my blog. But I sort of refer this as a "diary", though I don't update often. There's this fun-fair next Friday and parents' meeting on Thursday. Hope it goes well. Lol. Mmm I've to go already. Grab something to eat. Bye.

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