Thursday, April 7, 2011

But when i'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you.

Pretty bored, gonna make a quick post. No Guides tomorrow. Speech Day coming soon but I'm not marching. Hahha well, it's okay. I don't really have the mood to blog right now. I'm always lazy to. Hahha and there's practically nothing to talk about. It's Thursday today. Which means it's almost Friday tomorrow.

Day 2 - 10 likes and dislikes
I love God. I love to hang out with my family and friends. My dog. Roses, sunflowers, sleep, movies, Taylor Swift, cute boys and Fridays! I don't really hate many things, but I dislike "twit language". Backstabbers, people who joke but goes to far etc etc.
Day 3 - Your day in great detail 
Today was pretty great. I'm not going to put down every detail but yeah. I wanted to wake up at 5 to finish my Chinese revision but I ended up sleeping till 5:35. As usual, there were no seats in the bus. It was a same old day to me. Nothing very exciting etc. Hahha but Tumblr is!

I wanted to make this post on Thursday but didn't have time to finish typing so I shut down the computer. Hahha.

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