Saturday, April 30, 2011

All you need is love.


Watched Prince William and Kate's royal wedding yesterday night. It really looked like a fairy tale. Like Cinderella or Snow White. There was this person standing in the crowd holding a signboard with words saying, "Don't worry, Harry is still single!" Haha true. ;) I'm bored. I guess I should go now. Toodles!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Moving on.

Day 9 - Pet peeves.
When people don't answer my questions. My text. When they don't pick up my calls. When I'm alone at home.

Day 10 - If you could only live off of one food and beverage for the rest of the days, what would it be?
Is water counted? Maybe QOO. Hhaha and yami yogurt! I'll gain lots of weight.

Day 11 - What is your favorite quote?
I'm not very sure. I like this one pretty much. “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Day 12 - Screenshot your desktop.

Day 13 - Three confessions of your choice.
Skipping this.

Day 14 - Provide pictures of your 5 celebrity crushes.
Hhaha don't really have one now.

Day 15 - A photo of someone you fancy right now.
Don't really have one. Lol.

Day 16 - If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with the remaining time on earth?
I'd spend my time with my loved ones. Definitely.

Day 17 - What do you want to be when you get older?
Well, I tried thinking about this. Maybe a vet. Or a teacher.

Day 18 - Name the tv show you have become addicted to.
Wizards of Waverly Place. Shhh.

Day 19 - A list of places you have lived at.
In Singapore, Bukit Batok, Bukit Timah. And Hong Kong, Tai Po.

Day 20 - Concerts you have attended.
None. Should've went to Taylor Swift's Speak Now!

Lazy to do the rest. Will do soon. Actually, after my exams. Lol goodbye.
I feel unwell right now. Anyway I was watching TV and there's this movie called: Sky High. And there's all these super heroes and stuff. There's this guy called Warren Peace. He's Steven Strait now 25. But 6 years back when he acted he looked much younger and cooler. Hahahha. I feel a little hot. I hope I don't have fever. I still have tuition later. Gonna rest.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


6:12 right now. You know what, I think my keyboard is spoilt. It works perfectly fine when I type something and when I press the spacebar and the arrows. But whenever I am playing a game, there's no response when I press an arrow or the spacebar. This really annoys me. Well, I have been revising Chemistry. And I'm going to the Singapore Art Biennale next Tuesday. Sports Meet on Thursday and Good Friday next week. Which means there's no school. Ah. No mood to blog. Yeah so goodbye!

Charlieissocoollike is so cute. Hahhaha.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not supposed to be blogging right now so I'll make a quick one! Stayed back for Chinese today. Well, I didn't bring my workbook. Pffttt, so I had to stay back and do 3 chapters of it. But I did it in like 45 minutes. Hahha it's raining really heavily. I hate it when there's a storm. Speech Day tomorrow, 2 tests tomorrow too. I'll try my best, and leave the rest to God. Will do the challenge the next post! Bye.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Unbelievable sights, indescribable feelings, soaring tumbling freewheeling through an endless diamond sky.

So I gave myself a 15 minute break to use the computer. Had Guides yesterday and Jing Ni, Si Rui and Moh Moh and I had to do this presentation on the founding of Guides. Yeah anyway we had to redo it again next week. I'm starting to like Maths. Well this topic on Algebraic manipulation, on substitution, elimination and graphical methods. Hahha it's fun when you know and practice enough. I'm going to be really busy next week. So yes, like usual, I wouldn't update so often. Probably only the weekends. And guess what, I am not addicted to Maple okay. I'm still stuck at level 61. It's like forever. And also, I haven't touched Maple for 18 days. Yes. I counted.

Day 4 - The meaning behind your Tumblr name Well, I thought of this from a song called In Love Again. And I really don't know what url I should use so yeah why not this. Not that I am really in love or anything.
Day 5 - 5 places you want to visit
Singapore is so small so I'd rather tell you the countries I wanna visit. I'd love to go to probably Paris, USA, Canada, New Zealand and maybe Japan and also, Italy! It's 6 haha.
Day 6 - What band or musician is most important to you?
It's Taylor Swift right now!
Day 7 - Do you read? What are your favourite books?
I do. I love romance novels. I like those published by Simon Pulse. Like The Boys Next Door, Puppy Love, etc.
Day 8 - Three things you want to say to different people.
I don't really get this. So to my family, I love you! You are amazing. ♥ My friends: Thanks for always being there for me. You guys are awesome. And lastly to my relatives in HK: I miss you guys. Hope to see you this year. ♥

I'm finally done with this. For not updating frequently I have to do this. All right, goodbye. My 15 minutes is up.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

But when i'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you.

Pretty bored, gonna make a quick post. No Guides tomorrow. Speech Day coming soon but I'm not marching. Hahha well, it's okay. I don't really have the mood to blog right now. I'm always lazy to. Hahha and there's practically nothing to talk about. It's Thursday today. Which means it's almost Friday tomorrow.

Day 2 - 10 likes and dislikes
I love God. I love to hang out with my family and friends. My dog. Roses, sunflowers, sleep, movies, Taylor Swift, cute boys and Fridays! I don't really hate many things, but I dislike "twit language". Backstabbers, people who joke but goes to far etc etc.
Day 3 - Your day in great detail 
Today was pretty great. I'm not going to put down every detail but yeah. I wanted to wake up at 5 to finish my Chinese revision but I ended up sleeping till 5:35. As usual, there were no seats in the bus. It was a same old day to me. Nothing very exciting etc. Hahha but Tumblr is!

I wanted to make this post on Thursday but didn't have time to finish typing so I shut down the computer. Hahha.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is from Tumblr and yes I'll be doing it in Blogger. I haven't been updating my blog frequently. I've lots of homework to complete. English, chinese and maths. Went to Lavender to order the boots yesterday, and got the shoe polisher, Kiwi. Had MacDonalds with Si Rui after that, I was way to hungry. I haven't had my lunch! 

Day 1 - Write some basic things of yourself.
My name is Sheryl. 14. I love God. And I absolutely love hanging out with my family and friends. I love watching movies, romance novels and listening to music. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

I went for my swimming test yesterday and I passed! But the thing is that my freestyle sucks. But the rest are okay I guess. I'm having e-learning and it's so hard. I mean maths and other subjects. Nothing much these few days. Haha just a short post today. Will be going to lavender to get the boots. Bye!