Friday, February 12, 2010

Sec 1 camp!

Hey people who are reading this. I had my camp yesterday. Actually it started from 9-11 of February. Luckily it was only 3 days 1 night! I had fun though. But I hate it when they kept shouting: Sec ones, oi! Its just annoying. Haha. I almost lost my bag today, in school. I still had lessons, per usual. School ended after the concert, which was after my recess. So I had lessons for 2 and a half hour.

Chinese was okay. I'm starting to like my teacher. She is quite nice. Strict but humorous. Eugene was cracking up lame jokes as usual. And it was ES, environmental science. Mr. Ma was was explaining how to use a microscope. And then chinese reading. Recess, and the concert. The teachers were dressed up in CNY costumes! Even Mr. Ben! I was playing Truth or Dare with Vanessa. Haha. And I had to go to the dentist halfway through the concert. Seri left the dental place first, I was last! I went back to the classroom and the doors were locked! I couldn't see my bag on my seat. Then I went to one of the teachers and then she went to the general office to open up the door for me, and I couldn't find my school bag. I saw it with Vanessa and Si Rui at last!

Phew. Okay Happy Chinese New Year people! I can't post pictures for iMac!

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